
Interview partners

The interview partners' short vita referrs to the recording date and may differ from their current business.

Eyal Balicer

Eyal Balicer

November 2016: Eyal Balicer is the former Head of Research and Analysis at the Israel National Cyber Bureau in the Prime Minister's Office. We asked him about cultural differences and how this is related to Big Data and data protection.

Isaac Ben Israel, Leiter des Programms „Science Technology and Security“ an der University von Tel Aviv.

Pinhas Buchris

January 2017: Pinhas Buchris is a recognised leader in the development of Israel’s military intelligence, cyber and technology capabilities (Ret. Brig. General) and an experienced investor. We asked him about cyber security.

Professor Michael Decker

Professor Michael Decker

November 2017: Michael Decker is Professor of Technology Assessment at the Institute of Philosophy of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). His scientific work focuses on the methodology of interdisciplinary research and technology assessment in robotics and nanotechnology. We talked to Michael Decker about opportunities and risks of autonomous driving.

Kenn Goldberg

Ken Goldberg

July 2016: Goldberg says, "When we look at robots (...) we gain an appreciation for what humans are very good at." We spoke with him about artificial intelligence and about the interplay between man and machine.

Ralf Lamberti

Ralf Lamberti

November 2017: Ralf Lamberti is CEO - Daimler Brand & IP Management GmbH & Co. KG, Director Intellectual Property, Trends & Innovation. Most recently responsible for the pre- and series development of Connected Car & User Interaction at Mercedes Benz, Lamberti stands for the "car experience space".  He gave us insights into the new multifunctional space of autonomous cars.

Susanne Lebkücher

Susanne Lebkücher

June 2018: Susanne Lebkücher works for Telekom at the interface between humans and artificial intelligence (AI). She tests new developments such as digital assistants directly with customers, for example in workshops. We talked to her about artificial intelligence.

Jaron Lanier

Jaron Lanier

November 2016: A Renaissance Man for the 21st century, Jaron Lanier is a comput­er scientist, composer, artist, and author who writes on numerous topics. In his opinion we do not have to be afraid of intelligent machines.

Isaac Ben Israel, Leiter des Programms „Science Technology and Security“ an der University von Tel Aviv.

Jeanette Manfra

August 2017: Jeanette Manfra serves as the Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity and Communications for the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD). Thomas Kremer, Telekom board member for data privacy, legal affairs and compliance aks her about security.

Rob Nail

Tim Höttges asks Rob Nail

February 2016: Will artificial intelligence and human spirit become one? And if so, what are the consequences? Tim Höttges asks Rob Nail, CEO and Associate founder of Singularity University.

Claudia Nemat, Member of the Deutsche Telekom AG Board of Management, Technology and Innovation.

Claudia Nemat

August 2018: What do I like to talk about most when I meet social opinion makers? We can shape the ongoing process of digitalization. We are not victims, we are architects. But we have to wake up. We need to discuss in detail and actively shape what artificial intelligence and robots mean for our work, education, health and social cohesion. An article by Claudia Nemat, Member of the Deutsche Telekom AG Board of Management, Technology and Innovation.

Karsten Nohl, cryptographer and security researcher

Karsten Nohl

August 2017: Karsten Nohl is a cryptographer and security researcher. He says, that the digital world is becoming more and more like our physical world, which is not completely free of danger either.

Dr. Michael Otto

Dr. Michael Otto

August 2016: The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Hamburg-based retail and services group Otto explains how the company successfully transformed from classical catalog business into a successfull ecommerce merchant.


Jeremy Rifkin

November 2017: Jeremy Rifkin is an American economic and social theorist, writer, public speaker, political advisor, and activist. He does not believe in a guaranteed income.

Peter Schaar

Peter Schaar

May 2016: Peter Schaar, data protection expert and former Federal Commissioner for Data Protection, talks to Thomas Kremer, DT board member for data privacy, legal affairs and compliance, about responsibility and data protection.

Gabriele Semino

Gabriele Semino

November 2017: Gabriele Semino is project manager of a group of students at the Technical University of Munich who are building prototypes of the futuristic Hyperloop transport proposed by Elon Musk (Tesla) as part of the international "SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition". In summer 2018 his team won the main prize of the competition for the second time in a row. We talked to Gabriele Semino about the traffic of the future in the urban agglomeration.


Guy Standing

November 2017: Guy Standing is a Professorial Research Associate at SOAS, University of London, and a founder and co-President of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), an NGO promoting basic income as a right.

Daniel Wiegand

Daniel Wiegand

November 2017: Daniel Wiegand wants to launch the world's first air taxi on the market. We talked to the founder of Lilium, who would even put his mother in the thing, about air taxis and the drones of the future.

Video interview with Ranga Yogeshwar

Ranga Yogeshwar

April 2016: Ranga Yogeshwar completed his degree in Physics at Aachen University of Technology (majoring in Experimental Particle Physics and Astrophysics) and then joined the Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln television station in 1987, where he produced science programs.
