Data privacy and security

The question of how

We are transparent for data protection reasons. This is not a contradiction, but a question of attitude. You can see here how far our commitment goes.

Even more added value

We share our knowledge and bring in the experience of experts, for more awareness regarding data protection and security.

Von uns für Euch

From us for you

Tips, apps, services and shared expert knowledge. You can replicate it, download it or read about it in the Digitally Secure guide.



Fundamental information on frequently discussed issues in the industry and society. As well as the views of DT experts.


Is something missing, have details remained unclear or do you need advice and help beyond the topics covered? You can get in touch with us.

At a glance

Your choice

The picture shows a young woman waving a European flag above her head in front of a blue sky.


Our Future, Our Vote: Telekom Voices on the European Elections

The European elections are just around the corner. We took this opportunity to ask Telekom employees from eight different countries for their opinions on online hate, disinformation, and the EU's impact on their daily lives. Their answers highlight both...



Digital identities: AOK commissions Telekom with implementation

The AOK community has commissioned T-Systems to provide and manage secure digital identities (GesundheitsID) for the 27 million AOK policyholders.

Text on the screen in the stadium prompts you to use new passwords.


German Soccer fans fail on passwords

The list of the 30 stolen passwords that were found particularly often online in 2024 contains a lot of soccer enthusiasm.



NextLabs and Deutsche Telekom sign innovation agreement

T-Systems and the German Mechanical and Plant Engineering Association (VDMA in German) are linking their data spaces.


WLAN with Telekom Speedport

Certificates protect the content of data and its integrity.


DT cooperates with DigiCert

Despite the German-American partnership in the field of certificates, DT safeguards the digital sovereignty of its customers.
