Beyond the Share Button – Using technical solutions to combat disinformation
Prototyp of a fact-checking app.
4 weeks
Dirk Becker
Gottfried Ludewig: “Human medicine powered by IT”
At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona the focus will be on modern AI-supported IT solutions for the healthcare sector. Gottfried Ludewig, gives an insight where Germany stands.
5 weeks
Caroline Bergmann
1 Comment
Looks a lot like AI-mas
Christmas is parcel time! AI ensures that shelves are well stocked, online stores are securely accessible and parcels arrive on time.
15 weeks
Klaus vom Hofe
1 Comment
Hackathon: Overcoming barriers with codes
Programming competition at Deutsche Telekom sites in six countries: 160 employees demonstrated their innovative spirit for people with disabilities at the “Hackathon”.
15 weeks
Benjamin Balzer
Bitcoin: Roots, Facts, and Future Prospects
Bitcoin has developed into one of the most discussed topics in the financial world in recent years. Where are the origins of this digital asset, and what role can Bitcoin play in the future?