
Vita: Eckart von Hirschhausen

Dr. ECKART von HIRSCHHAUSEN (born 1967) studied medicine and science journalism in Berlin, London, and Heidelberg. He specializes in conveying medical content in a humorous way and combining a healthy dose of laughter with sustainable messages. He has been a comedian, author, and media host for over 20 years, appearing on all Germany’s big stages. His books “Arzt-Deutsch (Doctor-German Dictionary),” “Die Leber wächst mit ihren Aufgaben (The liver grows with each task),”“Glück kommt selten allein… (Happiness isn’t a solitary experience)” and “Wohin geht die Liebe, wenn sie durch den Magen durch ist (The way to the heart is through the stomach, but what happens when it comes out the other end)” have sold over five million copies, making him one of Germany’s most successful authors. His new book “Wunder wirken Wunder – Wie Medizin und Magie uns heilen (Miracles work wonders – How medicine and magic heal us)” takes a humorous look at the magical world of medicine and has been topping the SPIEGEL bestseller list since its publication in October 2016. December 2017 saw the premiere of his new stage show “ENDLICH (IN THE END).” On the ARD TV channel Eckart von Hirschhausen hosts the science shows “Frag doch mal die Maus (Ask the mouse)” and “Hirschhausens Quiz des Menschen (Hirschhausen’s human quiz).”

Behind the scenes Eckart von Hirschhausen aims to bring healthy laughter to hospitals, research and school projects with his foundation HUMOR HILFT HEILEN (HUMOR HELPS TO HEAL). He is a sought-after speaker and trailblazer for congresses and conferences, and is a university lecturer in the language of medicine. He also plays an active role as an ambassador and advisory board member in the “Deutsche Krebshilfe (German Cancer Society),” the “Deutsche Bahn Stiftung (Deutsche Bahn Foundation),” “Stiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (Foundation for German Depression Aid),” intergenerational homes, and “Phineo,” a nonprofit corporation that promotes civic engagement. As the patron of “Klasse 2000, a health campaign for school students, and of  the “Be smart Don’t start” campaign to stop tobacco addiction, and by promoting the “National Action Plan for Health Literacy” Eckart von Hirschhausen has spent many years introducing healthy ideas into the area of education. For more than five years he has also been promoting the development of educational material on social learning, health, and happiness. Under the heading GEMEINSAM LEBEN LERNEN (LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER) you can find exercises and lesson plans that can be downloaded free of charge from the homepage

You can find out more about Eckart von Hirschhausen by visiting (German).

Eckhardt von Hirschhausen

AI in medicine

Eckart von Hirschhausen on artificial intelligence, patients and humour.