Digital Civil Courage

Digital Civil Courage

Overcome the stunned state of shock - Actively defending basic democratic values is not hard.

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You need help? Find organisations here that you can turn to. Also, if you want to take action yourself.

Gemeinsam gegen Hass im Netz.


Getting out of shock - this is how it works!

When people are insulted, hurt or threatened on the Internet, intervention is called for. What psychological processes determine whether we take action or look away?

Wir entscheiden! Gemeinsam gegen Hass im Netz!


It’s up to us

We are the web. All of us. That’s why all of us can make the decision, every day, whether we tolerate hate online or stand up against it. Every positive comment can make a difference.



Hate on the net: Diversity instead of exclusion

People with disabilities experience hurtful discrimination and belittlement online. How can we make the internet a safe space for everyone?

Europe needs us all - also online


Europe needs us all - also online

The values of the EU, such as freedom, democracy, respect for the law and human rights, are reminded of Europe Day, which was celebrated on Monday. The initiative "Do something for Europe" also campaigns for a united, tolerant Europe. In the current times...

Glossar: Digital Civil Courage

Important terms explained briefly.

Counter Speech

Counter Speech in relation to "online hate" describes the linguistic reaction to hate speech and agitation. You try to take the strategy of the hater into account. It has been proven that empathetic counter speech has a de-escalating effect.


Hate speech describes linguistic attacks that are inhuman and directed against individuals or groups of people. The assumption causing this behavior is that other people are less worthy, for example, because of their origin, sexual orientation, or gender.
