

When lies become truth - about filter bubbles, social bots and sock puppets and how we are manipulated on the internet.

Your choice

The picture shows young people looking at their smartphones.


Teachtoday and Scroller help to better deal with disinformation

Children and young people spend many hours online. The media literacy initiative Teaghtoday and the interactive children's magazine Scroller help to filter the flood of information.

The picture shows how older people are trained in the use of digital devices.


Digitally fit in old age: Project “Digital Angel” makes it possible

With the “Digital Angel” project, the association “Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V.” supports older people in the use of digital services - in everyday life, personally and locally.

Hand holding smartphone displaying news


Five Tips for Dealing with Disinformation

Disinformation fuels hatred, destabilizes societies, and endangers democracy. What can we do to counter disinformation?

Disinformation spreads rapidly like an invisible wildfire that can no longer be stopped.


New commercial: Telekom once again takes a strong stance - focus on disinformation

"Let's question what we share" - and stop the threat of disinformation. This is the central message and Call of the campaign. It starts on August 9.

Additional offers

Find more information and helpful tips against disinformation on these websites.

Glossar: Disinformation

Important terms explained briefly.


AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a machine-based system designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy and that may exhibit adaptiveness after deployment and that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments.


Algorithms are human-programmed instructions that tell computers step by step what to do and in what order to solve tasks and analyze data according to specific rules.

Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories are narratives or beliefs that attribute significant historical events or situations to secret, often malicious machinations of a small, hidden group, often diverging from the prevailing opinion and lacking sufficient credible evidence.


Exposing wrong/misleading/manipulative information with a factual basis. 


Deepfakes are deceptively realistic manipulated images, audio, or video recordings. They are created with the help of artificial intelligence.


Disinformation is false information which deliberately intends to mislead or manipulate—intentionally misstating the facts to follow one’s own agenda.

Echo Chamber

An echo chamber arises when people primarily consume information that corresponds to their already existing opinions. This way, people often surround themselves with like-minded individuals who share and reinforce their position. Unlike filter bubbles, where algorithms select the information, the echo chamber is created by the individual's personal selection behavior.

Fact Checking

Fact Checking describes the examination of published content according to journalistic standards. Fact checking is a form of debunking.

Fake News

Fake news is information that conveys false claims or misrepresents facts. They can appear as text, but also in the form of images or videos, and are used for targeted and strategic opinion manipulation.

Filter Bubble

Filter bubbles lead to receiving information online that corresponds only to one’s own opinion. They arise from algorithms that analyze the activities of users on the internet and pre-select content accordingly. Through this mechanism, other arguments and perspectives are left out, which are important for forming one's own opinion.


Misinformation is misleading, inaccurate, or entirely false information that is spread without the explicit intention of deception, as the disseminator is not aware of the lack of truthfulness of the information.


Preventive education about the mechanisms of disinformation by providing information and analytical tools to strengthen resilience to misleading content.


Propaganda is the practice of conscious manipulation of individuals in their thinking, acting and feeling. (Focus: political field)

Social Bot

Social bots (short for social robots) are automated software programs that mimic human behavior on social networks and imitate real users. 
