
United against hate and disinformation

Together with these partners and initiatives we are striving for a respectful and demacratic co-existence online.


Freunde fürs Leben

10,000 people die each year in Germany as a result of suicide. People who suffer from (cyber) bullying are three times more likely to take their own lives than those who have never experienced bullying. The Freunde fürs Leben e.V. association wants to change this through measures such as informing adolescents and young adults about mental health, depression, and suicide.

Logo HateAid


HateAid strengthens human rights in the digital space. Anyone affected by digital violence receives comprehensive advice and legal support from HateAid. The non-profit organization educates politicians, the judiciary and business about hate on the internet and creates concrete solutions for our democracy. Its goal: a digital world in which freedom of expression is preserved and participation is made possible.

Logo hatefree


hatefree offers victims of digital violence specialised legal support at no cost risk. Offences can be reported quickly and easily online to hatefree. If legal steps are promising, they enforce them to oblige perpetrators to refrain from the hate, to delete it and, if necessary, to pay monetary compensation. This is free of charge for those affected, hatefree only retains part of the monetary compensation if successful.

Juuuport e.V.

Juuuport e.V.

The association offers young people online help when it comes to cyberbullying, WhatsApp stress, and similar issues. In 2019, we held joint workshops with Teachtoday on the topic of cyberbullying for instance.


Nummer gegen Kummer

The “Nummer gegen Kummer” association is the largest free telephone advice hotline for children, young people, and parents in Germany. Anyone encountering cyberbullying and needing help can also call the service and speak to understanding contact persons . Within the protective surroundings of a confidential phone or online consultation, the volunteer consultants support affected adolescents in mastering the challenges posed by their digital environments and help worried parents to proficiently support their children.

Das Nettz


The REspect! reporting website advises on the legal classification of relevant entries on social networks and urges that they be deleted as soon as they meet the criteria for criminal prosecution. REspect! is aimed at internet users who come across online Hate and want to do something about them. In the event of a violation of German law, REspect! applies to the network operator for the deletion of the post. Originators of incitement or hatred are consistently reported to the police.



Troubles – including those triggered by hate, hostility, threats, and verbal abuse online – don’t have to be borne alone. TelefonSeelsorge®, a German counseling hotline, supports victims of hate speech. It advocates dialing down the hate in our verbal interactions and encourages people to remain respectful even when their opinions diverge.  

Amadeu Antonio Stiftung


ZEBRA is an online consulting platform for media. What can I do against hate on the Internet? What do I do if I experience cyberbullying? At ZEBRA, media experts answer your questions personally and reliably. Advice is provided via chat, messenger or the question box at ZEBRA is a service of the "Landesanstalt für Medien NRW".

Central Office for Combating Hate Crime on the Internet - Lower Saxony

Central Office for Combating Hate Crime on the Internet - Lower Saxony

We fight hate on the Internet! The Central Office for Combating Hate Crime on the Internet, which was set up in Göttingen, has set itself the goal of holding people responsible who incite online hate. The Internet is not a lawless space. Those affected or witnesses can file charges free of charge and without a lawyer. More info on the website.

Amadeu Antonio Stiftung

Amadeu Antonio Stiftung

The Amadeu Antonio Foundation works to strengthen democratic civic society and eliminate right-wing extremism, racism, and anti-semitism.

Anne Frank Educational Center

Anne Frank Educational Center

The Anne Frank Educational Center is a center for political education and counseling in Hesse.  
The project "Dem Hass keinen Raum geben" (Don't give hate any room) is aimed at combating hate speech on the Internet. The goal is to network actors for joint engagement against hate speech, the development of counter-strategies, and an educational and counseling program on the topic.

Central Office for Combating Hate Crime on the Internet - Lower Saxony

Central Office for Combating Hate Crime on the Internet - Lower Saxony

We fight hate on the Internet! The Central Office for Combating Hate Crime on the Internet, which was set up in Göttingen, has set itself the goal of holding people responsible who incite online hate. The Internet is not a lawless space. Those affected or witnesses can file charges free of charge and without a lawyer. More info on the website.


Digitale Helden

The Digitale Helden gGmbH from Frankfurt trains students from the 8th to 10th grade in online courses to become digital heroes. They become mentors for younger students in order to sensitise them to topics such as cyberbullying, sexting or hatred on the Internet. The training team supports pupils, parents and teachers in using digital communication competently and consciously.



The “ichbinhier e.V.” association aims to sensitize people to the issue of online hate and explains the causes of hate speech as well as the distribution and the effects of such speech. It supports people and institutions in all areas of society in being prepared for digital attacks and stands for more digital civil courage.

Juuuport e.V.

Juuuport e.V.

The association offers young people online help when it comes to cyberbullying, WhatsApp stress, and similar issues. In 2019, we held joint workshops with Teachtoday on the topic of cyberbullying for instance.



The target of the klicksafe initiative is to promote people’s online skills and support them in adequately and critically using the internet with various offerings. In Germany, the EU initiative organizes the annual Safer Internet Day.

LOVE-Storm – united against hate speech

LOVE-Storm – united against hate speech

We are stopping online hate speech with LOVE-Storm training sessions for digital civil courage.  In online and in-person workshops, interested individuals, groups, and organizations can learn how to counter hate speech. It’s about supporting the victims and encouraging those who encounter hate speech to contradict the attackers and to set boundaries for them in a non-violent manner.


Nummer gegen Kummer

The “Nummer gegen Kummer” association is the largest free telephone advice hotline for children, young people, and parents in Germany. Anyone encountering cyberbullying and needing help can also call the service and speak to understanding contact persons . Within the protective surroundings of a confidential phone or online consultation, the volunteer consultants support affected adolescents in mastering the challenges posed by their digital environments and help worried parents to proficiently support their children.

Das Nettz


The REspect! reporting website advises on the legal classification of relevant entries on social networks and urges that they be deleted as soon as they meet the criteria for criminal prosecution. REspect! is aimed at internet users who come across online Hate and want to do something about them. In the event of a violation of German law, REspect! applies to the network operator for the deletion of the post. Originators of incitement or hatred are consistently reported to the police.



Exciting videos and interviews, entertaining short stories, tough tips, app and game recommendations, lots of DIY ideas for safe media use: With the digital SCROLLER magazines, children can safely immerse themselves in the world of digital media. The interactive magazines address important topics such as "Gaming", "Fit for the Mobile Phone", "Digital Democracy", "Courage on the internet" or "Data Protection" in a target group-oriented way for children from 9 to 12 years.



Under the “Media, sure! But secure.” banner, Teachtoday supports children & young persons, parents & grandparents, as well as teachers with practical and everyday tips. A toolbox contains a range of materials for various areas of children’s and young people’s lives.



Troubles – including those triggered by hate, hostility, threats, and verbal abuse online – don’t have to be borne alone. TelefonSeelsorge®, a German counseling hotline, supports victims of hate speech. It advocates dialing down the hate in our verbal interactions and encourages people to remain respectful even when their opinions diverge.  

Amadeu Antonio Stiftung

Amadeu Antonio Stiftung

The Amadeu Antonio Foundation works to strengthen democratic civic society and eliminate right-wing extremism, racism, and anti-semitism.

Anne Frank Educational Center

Anne Frank Educational Center

The Anne Frank Educational Center is a center for political education and counseling in Hesse.  
The project "Dem Hass keinen Raum geben" (Don't give hate any room) is aimed at combating hate speech on the Internet. The goal is to network actors for joint engagement against hate speech, the development of counter-strategies, and an educational and counseling program on the topic.

Bündnis gegen Cybermobbing

Bündnis gegen Cybermobbing

The Bündnis gegen Cybermobbing association is committed to informing and sensitizing society about cyberbullying. It also provides a consultation service to educational institutions or media organizations, for example.



"Buzzard" is a new news app for diversity of perspectives, which bundles media contributions from the entire political spectrum on the top topics of the day and classifies them journalistically. In times of disinformation and filter bubbles, "Buzzard" pursues the goal of facilitating well-founded and broad opinion formation and contributing to understanding in poisoned discourses.

Central Office for Combating Hate Crime on the Internet - Lower Saxony

Central Office for Combating Hate Crime on the Internet - Lower Saxony

We fight hate on the Internet! The Central Office for Combating Hate Crime on the Internet, which was set up in Göttingen, has set itself the goal of holding people responsible who incite online hate. The Internet is not a lawless space. Those affected or witnesses can file charges free of charge and without a lawyer. More info on the website.



CORRECTIV is the first donation-funded research center in Germany. As a multi-award-winning medium, it stands for investigative journalism. CORRECTIV triggers public debates, involves citizens in research and promotes media literacy with educational programs. Their fact-checking forum adresses everyone interested in a factual exchange and combating disinformation. 

Cybermobbing Prävention e.V.

Cyberbullying Prevention e.V.

The non-profit organization Cyberbullying Prevention from Berlin is dedicated to preventing cyberbullying, sexting, and online hate. In workshops for students, training sessions, and parent events, people are encouraged with empathy and mindfulness to reconsider their own thought and behavior patterns and to play an active role in promoting pro-social behavior both online and offline.



Dare2Care is reinventing education to help young people in their personal development. In workshops and online training sessions, school students are encouraged to strengthen their digital civil courage so that they are better able to reflect on – and deal more effectively with – the challenges posed by hate speech, social media stress, and filter bubbles.

Das Nettz


Das NETTZ, Networking Initiative against Hate Speech, is a Berlin-based NGO. Since 2017 our aim is to build a strong network of civil society, political institutions, media, academia and the tech industry. This network enables strategic collaboration, advocacy and co-creation. Our overview of projects against online hate enables those affected to find the right contact point.

Digitaler Engel

Digitaler Engel

The Digitaler Engel project by Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V. supports older adults in the safe use of digital services. In addition to nationwide on-site events, it also offers virtual training sessions and informational materials, such as explainer videos on its website. One of the topics covered by Digitaler Engel is recognizing disinformation and "fake news".


Digitale Helden

The Digitale Helden gGmbH from Frankfurt trains students from the 8th to 10th grade in online courses to become digital heroes. They become mentors for younger students in order to sensitise them to topics such as cyberbullying, sexting or hatred on the Internet. The training team supports pupils, parents and teachers in using digital communication competently and consciously.

esports player foundation

esports player foundation

The esports player foundation is a not-for-profit institution to promote excellence in esports and support top talents and professionals in achieving their full potential. In turn, esports players function as role models for millions of gamers, communicating sporting values such as fair play, making a stand against toxicity, and conveying to gamers the importance of seeing themselves as athletes: focusing on success factors such as sleep, nutrition, fitness, and also promoting a clear set of values.



Life is not always easy, especially for youngsters. The amount of young people with mental health problems is rapidly increasing. Feelee is a journaling app that helps to gain insights in your emotions, to strengthen your mental resilience. You’ll learn to recognise, name and then deal with your emotions. With the insight in how your habits can influence your emotions, you can take back control over your life. Learn how to keep it cool when your world is on fire.


Freunde fürs Leben

10,000 people die each year in Germany as a result of suicide. People who suffer from (cyber) bullying are three times more likely to take their own lives than those who have never experienced bullying. The Freunde fürs Leben e.V. association wants to change this through measures such as informing adolescents and young adults about mental health, depression, and suicide.

Logo HateAid


HateAid strengthens human rights in the digital space. Anyone affected by digital violence receives comprehensive advice and legal support from HateAid. The non-profit organization educates politicians, the judiciary and business about hate on the internet and creates concrete solutions for our democracy. Its goal: a digital world in which freedom of expression is preserved and participation is made possible.



The “ichbinhier e.V.” association aims to sensitize people to the issue of online hate and explains the causes of hate speech as well as the distribution and the effects of such speech. It supports people and institutions in all areas of society in being prepared for digital attacks and stands for more digital civil courage.

Juuuport e.V.

Juuuport e.V.

The association offers young people online help when it comes to cyberbullying, WhatsApp stress, and similar issues. In 2019, we held joint workshops with Teachtoday on the topic of cyberbullying for instance.

Kein Pixel den Faschisten!

No pixels for fascism!

“No pixels for fascism“ is a network of people and projects who work in gaming communities for diversity and against discrimination and right-wing extremism. It combines these strengths and skills to support each other, but also others.



The target of the klicksafe initiative is to promote people’s online skills and support them in adequately and critically using the internet with various offerings. In Germany, the EU initiative organizes the annual Safer Internet Day.

LOVE-Storm – united against hate speech

LOVE-Storm – united against hate speech

We are stopping online hate speech with LOVE-Storm training sessions for digital civil courage.  In online and in-person workshops, interested individuals, groups, and organizations can learn how to counter hate speech. It’s about supporting the victims and encouraging those who encounter hate speech to contradict the attackers and to set boundaries for them in a non-violent manner. e.V. e.V. e.V. is committed to a social dialog 2.0: fair - public - direct. To this end, the association offers educational formats both online and offline. This is also a way of countering disinformation, polarization and manipulation in the digital world, taking a stand and showing (digital) civil courage: against hate speech, discrimination and fake news.

Medien, aber sicher!

Media Sure! But Secure.

Media Sure! But Secure. The website "Media Sure! But Secure." bundles the Telekom initiatives for more media competence. Among other things, it is marked with the Good Magenta label.


Nummer gegen Kummer

The “Nummer gegen Kummer” association is the largest free telephone advice hotline for children, young people, and parents in Germany. Anyone encountering cyberbullying and needing help can also call the service and speak to understanding contact persons . Within the protective surroundings of a confidential phone or online consultation, the volunteer consultants support affected adolescents in mastering the challenges posed by their digital environments and help worried parents to proficiently support their children.

Prävention 2.0 e.V.

Prävention 2.0 e.V.

One of the aims of the Prävention 2.0 association is to enable children to discover the digital world with curiosity and learn how to look after themselves as well as others when online. Prevention and sensitization are the most important measures to protect against online violence. The Prävention 2.0 e.V. association makes this goal a reality through various projects and brings together the parties committed to media literacy throughout Germany.

Projekt 100% Mensch

Projekt 100% Mensch

„Projekt 100% MENSCH” project actively promotes more education about gender and sexual orientation and greater visibility and equal rights for queer people through information campaigns, educational materials, lectures, workshops, exhibitions and rallies. We work together with many organizations, schools, authorities and companies.



Fake news aim to manipulate opinions, and this often leads to hate and exclusion. The Reporterfabrik provides education and is committed to promoting media literacy. The web academy is open to everyone – specifically for children and teenagers, there is reporter4you, which also visits schools to discuss credible journalism.

Das Nettz


The REspect! reporting website advises on the legal classification of relevant entries on social networks and urges that they be deleted as soon as they meet the criteria for criminal prosecution. REspect! is aimed at internet users who come across online Hate and want to do something about them. In the event of a violation of German law, REspect! applies to the network operator for the deletion of the post. Originators of incitement or hatred are consistently reported to the police.



Exciting videos and interviews, entertaining short stories, tough tips, app and game recommendations, lots of DIY ideas for safe media use: With the digital SCROLLER magazines, children can safely immerse themselves in the world of digital media. The interactive magazines address important topics such as "Gaming", "Fit for the Mobile Phone", "Digital Democracy", "Courage on the internet" or "Data Protection" in a target group-oriented way for children from 9 to 12 years.



Under the “Media, sure! But secure.” banner, Teachtoday supports children & young persons, parents & grandparents, as well as teachers with practical and everyday tips. A toolbox contains a range of materials for various areas of children’s and young people’s lives.



Troubles – including those triggered by hate, hostility, threats, and verbal abuse online – don’t have to be borne alone. TelefonSeelsorge®, a German counseling hotline, supports victims of hate speech. It advocates dialing down the hate in our verbal interactions and encourages people to remain respectful even when their opinions diverge.  

Logo Toleranz im Netz

Initiative Toleranz im Netz

"Initiative Toleranz im Netz" is a coalition of organizations from the fields of education, society, media, and security in Baden-Württemberg. Its aim is to promote a friendlier interaction online, enhance media literacy, and contribute to curbing hate speech and agitation with targeted measures. The landing page provides extensive information and support for victims of hate crimes as well as for interested users. Suitable contacts are available for every need, including reporting hate speech, filing complaints, victim assistance, or educational offers for direct contact.

Violence Prevention Network

Violence Prevention Network

Violence Prevention Network gGmbH is a non-governmental organisation that has been active for over 20 years in (inter-)national extremism prevention and deradicalisation. In addition to working with offenders in and out of prison and a broad range of further training for multipliers, projects in the context of digital environments, e.g. gaming, are another focus.

ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur

ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur

ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur is an organization that campaigns for the basic values of freedom and dignity. With campaigns such as #Hasshilft (#Hatehelps), it gives a clear signal about online hate, educates, and presents creative ways to make people aware that we need to make changes.



Hate in the digital space is a threat, as it can ultimately lead to physical violence. People are attacked. Standing against hate and agitation is a form of victim protection. WEISSER RING, Germany's largest organization for crime victims, is a point of contact for those affected, advocating for the concerns of victims and the prevention of crimes.

Amadeu Antonio Stiftung


ZEBRA is an online consulting platform for media. What can I do against hate on the Internet? What do I do if I experience cyberbullying? At ZEBRA, media experts answer your questions personally and reliably. Advice is provided via chat, messenger or the question box at ZEBRA is a service of the "Landesanstalt für Medien NRW".


Zentral- und Ansprechstelle Cybercrime Nordrhein-Westfalen (ZAC NRW)

The “Zentral- und Ansprechstelle Cybercrime Nordrhein-Westfalen (ZAC NRW)” is the largest cybercrime unit of the justice system in Germany, located in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is responsible for conducting proceedings in high-profile preliminary investigations in the area of cybercrime. Particular focus is placed on combating Cybercrime in the pilot project "Verfolgen statt nur Löschen” (English: Pursue instead of just delete).
