
Nadja Kirchhof


New #NoHateSpeech Campaign: "Let’s Question What We Share"

Targeted misinformation, known as disinformation, undermines the foundation of our community of values. It fuels fear, uncertainty, anger and hate. Often, we only see the danger when it’s too late. Telekom’s new campaign visualizes the rapid spread of disinformation and calls for a competent approach to dealing with it. Disinformation affects us all - but we have the power to control its spread.


Disinformation is a greater threat to our society than climate change. That’s what the World Risk Report 2024 says. So, if anyone thought disinformation only affects others, they must now ask themselves: What can I do to stop this wildfire from spreading?

Deliberately created false information is spread to sow discord, destroy trust and achieve personal goals. The resulting societal damage is significant. What sounds theoretical is something we encounter daily, especially on social media, where content is often quickly, unverified, and emotionally charged, shared or published.

Too many ignore the danger, too few take action.

This is where Telekom’s initiative, #NoHateSpeech, and its current campaign come in. Together with competent partner organizations, it aims to reach more people, raise awareness, and prompt action. Questioning whether content or messages are truly genuine is the first and most effective step to stop the wildfire of disinformation. We must not allow trust in democratic principles to be undermined, society to be polarized, or group-based hostility to be incited. If everyone questions what they share, disinformation becomes half as effective.

These tips can help:

  • Pause and question the content.
  • Check the source and fact-check.
  • Report disinformation on platforms.
  • Inform yourself diversely and use media literacy resources.
  • Get involved: do fact-checks, share the results.

 Artificial intelligence is both light and shadow

It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish what is real and what is fake. With AI in the wrong hands, it is easier to make information appear as one wishes and spread it rapidly. The result: prejudices are confirmed, opinions radicalized, emotions heightened and hate intensified. The foundation of our community of values is shaken. 84% of Germans consider disinformation a threat to our democracy. The problem is that only 16% of respondents perceive the risk of being influenced by misinformation themselves as high, according to a recent study.

However, Telekom is also convinced that AI will be part of the solution in combating misinformation. Through the X-Creation innovation program for sustainable solutions, Telekom, together with partners and experts, is working on digital solutions to competently address disinformation. Read more here.

With strong partners for fact-based opinion formation

Addressing disinformation competently requires a targeted approach. These are the campaign’s partners:

  • Teachtoday is a Deutsche Telekom initiative promoting safe and competent media usage. It supports children & teenagers, parents & grandparents, and educators with practical and everyday tips and materials. On, there is a dedicated dossier on „Disinformation“.
  • CORRECTIV is an independent investigative journalism center in Germany. With the CORRECTIV.Faktenforum, a community has been established for those who want to engage in fact-based exchange – regardless of journalistic background and throughout the German-speaking world. More at
  • The Digitaler Engel project of Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V. supports older adults in using digital offerings. A focus is on educating about and safely handling disinformation and “fake news.” They offer nationwide on-site and online events on topics from the digital world. More information and an overview of offerings:  

Campaign live from August 9th

The extensive campaign launches on August 9th. It will be seen on TV and in cinemas and will be presented in various formats online, on radio and podcasts, through social media, and Out of Home.
Here’s the campaign spot.
Telekom stands firmly for democratic values and a digital world in which everyone can participate and live together according to democratic rules. The new campaign continues the commitment #NoHateSpeech

#TAKEPART in fighting for a network without hate

No Hate Speech

Words must not become a weapon. Deutsche Telekom is fighting for a network without hate in which we treat one another respectfully.