
Nadja Kirchhof

Spokesperson and Telekom Blogger

While majoring in geography, Nadja dipped her toe in media work – and has immersed it there ever since. Following an internship at an international PR network, she turned her attention to brand PR. She then ventured into science marketing. Since 2013, she has been involved in corporate communications that focus on developments involving the Internet of Things, the cloud and sponsoring.

Articles by Nadja Kirchhof

Your choice

Cannes Lions: Deutsche Telekom wins four Lions for "#Sharewithcare - A message from Ella"


Cannes Lions

Deutsche Telekom wins four Lions for "#Sharewithcare - A message from Ella".

Schmuckbild IoT-Satellitenkonnektivität mit Mähdrescher und Containerschiff


Globally connected: tariffs for satellite connectivity in the IoT

Deutsche Telekom customers can choose from two tariff packages, each combining terrestrial and satellite-based connectivity. The partner network is growing.



MWC2024: Deutsche Telekom showcases innovations for a changing world

Connecting your world": The Deutsche Telekom brand promise will be creatively staged at this year's Mobile Word Congress (MWC) 2024.

Image Christmas


Discovering the digital world together at Christmas

Smartphones, tablets, and games consoles are at the top of many children's wish lists. Teachtoday gives tips on how to use them safely.

At Christmas, only one question matters: "Are you happy?"


International Telekom Christmas Campaign encourages authentic connection

Telekom's international Christmas campaign starts on November 4. "Questions that matter connect us more" promotes greater tolerance and cohesion in an emotional and humorous way.