
Quick help with lies and deception online

A wrong click, a purchase on a poorly protected platform: anyone who uses the internet can fall into the clutches of data thieves and other cyber criminals more quickly than expected. The Technical Customer Service security team helps customers to get rid of malware and close leaks.  

Service line staff with headsets

Deutsche Telekom customers can contact the specialists at Technical Customer Service if they have any questions or security problems on the web. © Deutsche Telekom

In 2023 alone, Deutsche Telekom sent over one million emails and letters to warn customers about security risks. This means, for example, that the Group's security experts have noticed that customer accounts can be found on the Internet in combination with passwords, email addresses are unknowingly being used to send spam or computers are being remotely controlled for criminal activities.

The letter informing affected customers of misuse also tells them what to do to avert the danger. Anyone looking for reassuring words and clear step-by-step instructions can call the toll-free number 0800 55 44 300. What is child's play for experts may be a challenge for laypeople and people who have found themselves in a dicey situation for the first time. Telekom's security experts are happy to help, explain patiently and also give tips on how to minimize security risks in the future.

You can also find out how to protect yourself from online dangers in our "Digitally secure" guide.

shadowy figure looks through binoculars in which lines of code are reflected

For a "clean" net

Deutsche Telekom experts use the latest technologies and many years of experience to make the internet safer for everyone.