

We are shaping a working environment in which we can all grow and achieve our goals. We are therefore delighted that institutes in Germany and beyond have recognized our commitment as a training organization and employer.

Awards from 2024

two signatures for awarded talent communication

Outstanding employer communication

Deutsche Telekom’s careers website took first place once again in the 2024 Talent Communication Study. According to Potentialpark, the deciding factor in this win was our highly professional approach in which we address candidates directly and inform them transparently and in full regarding careers and jobs, ultimately also guiding them to their application. Since we have also demonstrated these skills through social media communications, we took second place in the overall Talent Communication Study.

The magazine "Capital" gave Deutsche Telekom the grade "very good" as the best trainer in Germany.

Germany’s best trainer

We are one of the biggest training companies in Germany. The award as "Germany’s best trainer" from "Capital" magazine proves that the quality is right here too – both in terms of vocational training and dual study programs. Criteria included support, learning in the workplace, opportunities for success, and company commitment.


Deutsche Telekom counts among the top 1 percent of employers in Germany

In 2024, we were counted among the top 1 percent of employers in Germany by Leading Employers, the independent meta-study. This study is the most comprehensive of its kind into the quality of employers in Germany, which consistently takes over 250 highly varied international sources into account. Around 200,000 companies are included in the study overall.

Awards from 2023

Icon for Most Attractive Employer Award

Deutsche Telekom counts among the most attractive companies for students

We are pleased to have been ranked as one of the most attractive employers for students in Germany by Universum. According to the study, the most important employer attributes for students in Germany include attractive basic remuneration, the prospective of a high income in the future, a diverse range of tasks, secure employment, and a friendly working environment. But for us, that’s not enough. We want to shape a workplace for our employees than enables them to pursue their goals and grow together with us. It is only by challenging the present that we can create a better future.

Lettering HR benchmark

First place in the NetFed HR Benchmark

We held on to our top spot in the HR Benchmark from NetFed in 2023, which analyzes the HR websites of the 50 largest companies in Germany. Examples of the assessed criteria include: How are insights into the company provided? How well is the subject of “job applications” covered by information and services? How do the company and employer open a dialog with potential candidates on their website? 

Front page FocusMoney Germany's best training companies

Germany’s best training organization in 2023

Deutsche Telekom won the DEUTSCHLAND TEST seal for “Germany’s best training organization in 2023” by Focus Money magazine for the third time in a row. For this rating, DEUTSCHLAND TEST analyzed the country’s 20,000 largest employers. The study is based on four pillars: structural data, apprentice pay, training success, and additional offerings by the companies.

Logo and signet for the LinkedIn Top Company award

We are a LinkedIn Top Company

In its capacity as the largest professional network, LinkedIn has analyzed companies with regard to opportunities for advancement, support for upskilling,, and employee development for the past seven years. However, commitment to greater diversity and inclusion has also become an increasingly important factor in rating the surveyed companies. We’re therefore all the more delighted to be counted among the top 10 of LinkedIn’s Top Companies, showing that we’re on the right track with our initiatives for an inclusive, vibrant corporate culture and our many offerings for personal and professional development.

Siegel zur Potentialpark-Studie 2023 - Platz 1 in Deutschland

Winner of the 2023 Potentialpark Study

Candidate first – that is the approach we take in order to offer the best service possible for questions relating to jobs and careers. The Potentialpark Study reviewed the design of our website and social media channels, our job search and job advertisements, and online application process to see how they held up against the target group’s expectations. The result: first place!

Logo of Potentialpark Azubi 2023 1st place

Taking first place once again in the 2023 Azubi Communication Study

This year, we scored gold for best school student communications for the second time in a row! We’re proud that our activities aimed at providing school students with information on our opportunities for apprenticeships and degree courses and our career guidance offerings have been well received. This time, the 2023 Azubi Communication Study by Potentialpark and investigated the “Career website,” “Online application,” and “Social media platforms” channels of 140 employers and surveyed over 4,500 school students about online communication.

Leading Employer Germany 2023 Exlusively Awarded to the Country`s Top 1 Prozent


In this independent meta-study, we impressed in all six categories – including “employee satisfaction” and “understanding of values.”  With #QuestionTodayCreateTomorrow, we at Deutsche Telekom have made a new employer promise: we want to appeal to the people who, together with us, are shaping the digital future, questioning the status quo, and seeking progress.

Awards from 2022

Signet for Universums Most Attractive Employer

Most attractive employer for students for 2022

Each year, students select their ideal employer in the biggest nation-wide, independent, career-related study – the Universum Talent Survey. This year, over 38,600 students in Germany were asked what attributes they considered most attractive in a potential employer. We took the 25th spot among IT students.

Potentialpark winner symbol for the AZUBI communication of 2022 with the 1. place

First place in the Azubi Communication Study

Having taken second place the previous year, we came out on top for the first time in 2022 for best school student communication. The Azubi Communication Study by Potentialpark and investigated the “Career website,” “Online application,” “Mobile sites,” and “Social media platforms” channels of 100 employers and surveyed 1,300 school students about online communication.

Signet for Rank 2 in Talent Communication Study from Potentialpark

Second place in the Talent Communication Study

Telekom Careers took silver in the 2022 Online Talent Communication Study by Potentialpark. We even took gold in the individual categories “Career website” and “Social media.” The Swedish market research institute thereby confirms that we are at the forefront when it comes to digital communication with potential candidates.

award sign for Leading Employer 2022


Independent meta-analysis LEADING EMPLOYER aims to view employers holistically and enable a comprehensive evaluation based on a wide variety of criteria – including employee satisfaction, working conditions, understanding of values, job security, environmental awareness, and much more. Thanks to very good results, we are among the top 1 percent of all employers in Germany for the first time.

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Man showing thumbs up.


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