Anne Geelen

Anne Geelen


At Corporate Communications, Anne is dealing with technology and innovation topics as for example 5G, autonomous driving or the European Aviation Network.

At the beginning of her career she studied physics. With her diploma in pocket, Anne started her career at the former T-Mobil-net GmbH in 1995. Following several stages within the Group, she entered Corporate Communications in 2008.  There, technology topics captured her interest, and they continue to fascinate her. Every day there are many exciting stories that want to be told ...

Articles by Anne Geelen

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Deutsche Telekom consolidates Wholesale Activities.


Deutsche Telekom consolidates Wholesale Activities

German wholesale business and global carrier are now ‘T Wholesale’. The new unit provides more than 1,000 customers worldwide with digital solutions.

Company logos of Telekom, Skylo and Qualcomm above the globe


Telekom and partners demonstrate SMS via satellite

Deutsche Telekom, Qualcomm and Skylo announced the successful completion of an end-to-end trial of SMS send and receipt over GEO satellite

New venture to sell network APIs globally.


New venture to sell network APIs globally

Landmark agreement to accelerate adoption and innovation of network APIs includes a newly formed company that will drive new monetization opportunities for the industry.

TikTok star DI1ARAA had a clear advantage over BigSpin in the Fortnite game thanks to the 5G+ Gaming Option


Innovation for Mobile Cloud Gaming

Deutsche Telekom and partners present the new “5G+ Gaming” offer for a smooth gaming experience on the go.

aerial photo: VW plant in Emden with automotive terminal


Deutsche Telekom innovations for automated driving in port logistics

Research projekt: 5G Network-APIs and Edge Data Center of Deutsche Telekom enable automated logistics processes in the port of Emden.