


We, together #NoHateSpeech

Every day, we are confronted with hate speech on the internet and the more often we see it, the more normal it becomes. With many partners, Telekom is working to ensure that hate speech never becomes normal and ultimately disappears. Together, with Juliane, Sarah, and Eike, we show what each person can do to create a safe digital space.

Don’t be quiet, don’t look away – that’s what the trio is individually committed to every day. Because when it comes to online hate speech, very few users take action. Therefore, so many comment columns become a place of hate comments, discrimination, and insults. That’s why it’s up to every one of us to become mobilized and speak out together #GegenHassImNetz.

Formerly rapper, today DoppelEinhorn 

As a rapper, Eike aka EstA used to be gangster. Today, he shares his experience with bullying and online hate speech in school classes. With his initiative DoppelEinhorn (double unicorn) he sensitizes students in workshops to treat each other respectfully on the internet. Because hate speech leaves its mark on those affected and should have no space on the WWW. 


Hate never has anything to do with the people themselves

Sarah was called ugly or stupid by bullies. With the help of friends, family & her community on social media, she learned that these insults do not define her. As a result, she founded the #bloggeragainstmobber initiative, so that no one must have the same experiences as her. Since then, Sarah and her community have been campaigning for a hate-free internet.


71 years – 0 tolerance!

When it comes to hate speech on the WWW, Juliane switches into fighter mode – and that at the age of 71. Juliane learned what a shitstorm is when a well-known TV personality became the victim of one. Since then, she has been working with the initiative ichbinhier e.V. to promote fairness in the digital space. 


When love is loud, hate doesn’t stand a chance

Only together we are louder than the hate on the WWW. For example, by reporting hate comments or the profiles of attackers and standing by those who are affected. Together with Sarah, Juliane and Eike, we want to create a safe digital space for everyone and let love become louder than hate. 

#TAKEPART in fighting for a network without hate

No Hate Speech

Words must not become a weapon. Deutsche Telekom is fighting for a network without hate in which we treat one another respectfully.