


Nadja Kirchhof


FIFA Fairplay Guide: 10 principles for a fair game. 

The FIFA Fairplay Guide is an initiative of Deutsche Telekom AG and the esports player foundation. Together with well-known esports players and content creators, the FIFA community has developed ten principles that enable a safe, fair, and inclusive game. The rules are not only valuable in the virtual gaming world.


In the context of the "Against Hate on the Net" initiative esport players, content creators and interested gamers exchanged their experiences and wishes for the future of gaming. Besides the reigning EA-Sports FIFA World Champion Umut Gültekin, Tim Latka, rblz_ebru, NikLugi, FaroooYT, TimoX, Minusmacher31, Furkyplayz, NiklasNeo and WOB_Fabio were also present. Out of the three livestreams the FIFA Fairplay Guide was created - the first game related behavior guide developed by the community. In a compact form it contains all important rules for fairness and sportsmanship in the popular PC and console game. It is not only about the strategic approach in the game, but also about how to deal with hate speech and insults on the net. 

"The FIFA Fairplay Guide addresses all the topics that regularly concern the entire community. As esport players and content creators, we can sensitize younger players to the topic and give them important tips and rules of conduct for the future," says the two-time German champion in FIFA TimoX

In short, the ten FIFA Fair Play Guidelines are:

1. respect the rules of the game
2. I respect opponents, players, publishers, and spectators
3. I play fair
4. I live integrity and values in FIFA
5. I treat all players equally
6. I condemn those who try to harm our community
7. I do not accept hate speech
8. I accept the golden goal rule
9. I play to win
10. I use counterspeech

If you want to support the rules of the FIFA Fairplay Guide, you can download the guide on the esports player foundation page and support it on social media using the hashtag #FIFAFairplayGuide. You can find the streams to watch on Twitch.

Esport players and content crestors discuss rules for a safe, fair and inclusive FIFA gaming experience.

Esport players and content crestors discuss rules for a safe, fair and inclusive FIFA gaming experience. © esports player foundation

"Respectful interaction is not only important in FIFA."

For content creator NikLugi, the last point of the guide is especially important: "If you observe border crossings, you have to have the courage to report it," he said in the third stream. Those who stand up for others and promote fair cooperation while playing FIFA are more likely to do the same in real life. Content Creator for SK Gaming Tim_Latka summarized at the end of the last stream, "The rules don't just affect FIFA. It's also important for us as a society to treat each other respectfully."

For this reason, Deutsche Telekom is also committed to more fairness as part of the "Against Hate on the Net" initiative. Marike Mehlmann-Tripp, who heads the Social Engagement cluster in Telekom's Group Corporate Responsibility department, says: "We are vocally against hate and toxic behavior on the net - including in the gaming world. We want to help ensure that the gaming world offers a safe and positive environment in which values such as respect and fair play are anchored." Jörg Adami, CEO of the esports player foundation, agrees: "Cheaters* and players* who create a bad atmosphere destroy the fun of the game. With the #FIFAFairplayGuide, we are sending a positive signal to the entire industry."