Would you like your name to no longer appear in the phone book? Do you want to hear about current offers or services? Or would you like to see the individual telephone connections on your invoice? With us, you determine your own data privacy settings. You can easily view and change everything in the Telekom Customer Center. Around the clock, without involving telephone customer service, from home or on the go. An internet connection is sufficient. You can find out here, how to get to the right menu items.
How it works: Just log in and get started
Log in via Internet at
Tip 1: Create, view or change your phone book entry
Would you like to know whether your name is listed in the telephone directory or whether it can be requested from directory assistance service? You can create, change, or delete the entry yourself in the Telekom Customer Center.
Tip 2: Would you like more or less information? We are guided by you.
Under “InfoService” in the Telekom Customer Center, you can decide whether you would like to receive messages from Telekom. We provide regular information on products, offers and services, for example about network expansion. You choose how you are notified and can change this at any time. More information about InfoService is available here.
Tip 3: How detailed do you want your phone bill to be?
In the Telekom Customer Center you can set how you want us to notify you about your invoice and to whom we should send it. On request, you can also receive an itemized proof of your telephone connections with your invoice.
The individual telephone connection record lists all chargeable phone calls. You can choose whether the telephone number is displayed in full or only a shortened representation of the last three digits.
We always want your data to be protected. That is why we do not send itemized records to your email address. However, you can call up and print out the proof at any time in the Telekom Customer Center.
We do not include connections within the framework of a flat rate and connections to certain protected organizations, for example church and social advice centers, in the individual telephone connection record.