Trainee application process

Trainee application process

You can submit your online application for the trainee program at Deutsche Telekom throughout the year. If we invite you to the hiring day, you'll find out directly afterwards whether your professional future will start with our trainee onboarding week.

Icon zeigt einen Briefumschlag mit einem Stift
Icon zeigt einen Briefumschlag mit einem Stift

Online application

You can start your online application directly via the job advertisement. The goal of your application is to provide us with the real picture of you. We’d like to know the following, for example:

  • Why you want to work for us and what you expect of us
  • Your skills, your professional and educational qualifications, practical knowledge, and your previous experience abroad
  • Your social engagement or projects that you have already developed and implemented

As an alternative to a conventional application, you can also tell us more about yourself as part of an exposé. Make us curious with interesting facts that you couldn’t include in your CV. Please note: The exposé is entirely voluntary.

Application tips

Icon zeigt eine Hand mit Daumen nach oben
Icon zeigt eine Hand mit Daumen nach oben

Document check

Once we have received your application, our recruiting team will begin to view your documents. We gain an insight into your skills as well as your professional and personal qualifications. We require around two weeks for this process. Our recruitment team will then provide you with feedback.

Icon zeigt zwei ineinander fassende Hände
Icon zeigt zwei ineinander fassende Hände

Hiring Day

Hiring day is the core of our recruitment process. This includes aspects such as a Group Assessment Center as well as a Board Management interview. At the end of the day, we will inform you whether you’re invited to start your journey with us in the trainee program.

Onboarding – Welcome to the Magenta side

Congratulations! You’ve made it through the application process and are getting ready to start your traineeship at Deutsche Telekom. To help you get off to the best possible start with us, we begin with an onboarding week to which all trainees are invited. In addition to getting to know each other, here you'll have the chance to speak with other trainees. Watch the video to find out what awaits you at the kick-off event.


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