Mariella Gradler

Mariella Gradler

Dual student

Mariella Gradler, 22, started working for Deutsche Telekom at the beginning of October as a dual student. She is currently doing her Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration at the Provadis School of Management and Technology. She will be working in the HR department of Deutsche Telekom, so over the next three years she will give an insight into and report on her everyday life as a dual student.

Articles by Mariella Gradler

Your choice

woman with sunglasses on mobile phone


Deutsche Telekom’s Think Tank – Get on board!

Got an idea about how to improve our products? Fantastic! Why not register for our Think Tank today? Read our blog to discover what it is and how it works.



#Takepart in CMD+O@Digital virtually too

Follow me behind the scenes of the CMD+O@digital workshops. I covered the event on Instagram. Klick to get more insights.