Jens Mühlner

Jens Mühlner

Telekom Blogger

Jens Mühlner is Executive Consultant Innovation & Technology Management in the business customer division T-Systems International at Deutsche Telekom. He is chairman of the "Smart City/Smart Region" working group in the Bitkom digital association and took part in the "Digital City" competition. Jens Mühlner is also a member of the Board of Management and Deputy Chairman of the Charta digitale Vernetzung e.V. (Charter for Digital Networking). As Chairman of the steering committee of the Intelligent Networking Focus Group at the National Digital Summit, he is also involved in establishing new business areas for digital infrastructures in the energy, transport, health, education and administration sectors and the Smart City / Smart Region.

Articles by Jens Mühlner

Your choice

Start des Forschungsprojektes MAAS und der ersten teleoperierten autonom fahrenden Straßenbahn in Darmstadt.


Darmstadt - the Smart City flagship project

Darmstadt won the Bitkom "Digital City" competition in 2017. Telekom is one of the main partners. At “Darmstadt Konferenz” on June 12 and 13, Deutsche Telekom and its partners will present insights into current projects.