
Lisa Maria Neunkirchen

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The Pico Beamer: Enjoy Entertainment

Watching your favorite show wherever you like to? This is possible thanks to the Pico Beamer. Deutsche Telekom and SK Telecom have teamed up to create their joint venture Techmaker to promote telco-driven innovations. The purpose of this partnership is to share innovation between South Korea and Europe and hereby realize three benefits: reduce innovation cost, enlarge the ecosystem of partners and vendors, and achieve faster time-to-market. The latest result of this collaboration is a portable laser projector that frees your movie night from any limits. Enjoy movies, games, and more, whether indoors or outdoors, with unparalleled flexibility and convenience. 

Lisa is trying out the system by calling Teo

Lisa Maria Neunkirchen, Marketing Communications, Deutsche Telekom AG. © Deutsche Telekom

The problem

Traditional projectors often come with limitations that hinder the overall viewing experience. From inconvenient setups to the hassle of adjusting focus and dealing with poor visibility in daylight, these challenges have long plagued users seeking immersive entertainment solutions. Moreover, the lack of portability and dependence on power outlets further restrict where and how we consume content.

The old solution

In the past, consumers had to settle for projectors that offered limited functionality and were often bulky, difficult to transport and had restricted reach because of cables. There are many projectors in a variety of sizes available, but they all share one problem: Being dependent on power plug positions.  Currently, many devices are not really made for the Gen-Z or digital nomad ways of life that want to carry their portable screen with them wherever their path takes them. Additionally, these devices require accurate adjustments and are not suitable for use in various environments, negatively affecting the overall experience of movies or gaming.

The new solution

Enter the Pico Beamer, a true talent in flexibility that addresses all these concerns and more. This compact yet powerful device combines the functionality of a set-top box and a portable projector, delivering an unmatched entertainment experience wherever you go. Firstly, it features the world’s first laser engine in pico size. In contrast to most LED projectors, it is focus free without need to adjust sharpness or zoom. Customers do not need to check for suitable wall or position until projector shows the picture correctly. The laser engine has the strong benefit to use less power. This leads to a very compact form factor and perfect compromise of projector’s brightness, battery size and duration, and great sound by stereo speakers. With the second unique feature, the built-in LTE modem by Deutsche Telekom, there is no need to find a connection anymore. Without being dependent on a WiFi spot or another device with Bluetooth, the laser projector provides real flexibility and freedom to use a projector outdoors, at any friend’s home or any office, wherever the customer needs it. 

Thanks to the collaborative efforts of Deutsche Telekom and SK Telecom the Pico Beamer redefines versatility, convenience, and quality. Say goodbye to the constraints of traditional projectors and enjoy the freedom of entertainment with the Pico Beamer and a viewing experience without any limits.

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Lisa Maria Neunkirchen


Driving Efficiency

Exploring Deutsche Telekom's Sustainable Partnership with Xiaomi.