
Lisa Maria Neunkirchen


Driving Efficiency: Exploring Deutsche Telekom's Sustainable Partnership with Xiaomi

In today’s age where efficiency and sustainability need to go hand in hand, Deutsche Telekom and Xiaomi came together for their mission to redefine technology for a better future. Following the new standard for efficiency in the tech industry, our two teams created new devices to improve sustainability. Find out how they can maximize performance while minimizing their carbon footprint. Welcome to a world where performance meets sustainability - Welcome to the future with Deutsche Telekom and Xiaomi.

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The problem

Efficiency and sustainability are more important than ever, especially in the technology industry. The ever-growing use of electronic devices leads to higher energy consumption and a larger ecological footprint. This presents a challenge that companies must address to reduce their environmental impact while creating new and innovative technologies.

The old solution

In the past, many technological solutions were developed to improve device performance without adequately considering energy efficiency. This often led to higher energy consumption and the inefficient use of resources. Conventional chargers and processors were typically not designed for energy savings, resulting in radiated heat.

The new solution

The tech industry has entered a new era of sustainability thanks to the collaboration between Xiaomi and Deutsche Telekom. Our goal was to enhance performance while decreasing energy usage by using carefully chosen components and cutting-edge technologies. The new Xiaomi 13, which has a CPU with 42% more power and 49% less energy consumption, is the perfect example of this. Furthermore, the new charger is 97% more efficient than traditional chargers, which show only 88% efficiency. Following the goal of sustainability, these new devices avoided the burning of 15 tons of coal, taking us one step further to a greener planet.

Deutsche Telekom and Xiaomi's creative partnership shows that it is feasible to create potent technological solutions that are also environmentally friendly. These initiatives make important positive contributions to sustainability and decrease negative effects on the environment. This collaboration is a shining example of innovation, paving the way for future generations to live more sustainably.

Youtube video consisting of Deutsche Telekoms partner story with Swift Navigation


Lisa Maria Neunkirchen


GPS Precision down to Centimeters

See how Swift Navigations technology revolutionizes the world.