
hubraum is the tech incubator of Deutsche Telekom.

hubraum is the tech incubator of Deutsche Telekom.

hubraum is the tech incubator of Deutsche Telekom.

By bringing early-stage startups and the leading European telco together, hubraum strives to ignite innovation transfer to create new business opportunities for both sides. Since 2012 hubraum connects with its digital ecosystem out of Berlin, Krakow and Tel Aviv.

Our focus areas are 5G, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence. We not only offer access to future technology and infrastructure provided by Deutsche Telekom. But also a prototyping campus with expert support, business know-how and free co-working space. In addition, hubraum invests for Deutsche Telekom.



With our products and our network, you can be sure to always #takepart in all the latest developments and technologies.