Deutsche Telekom announces winner of the
The winner of the
Using a city as an example, Deutsche Telekom wants to highlight the opportunities and potential inherent in the comprehensive, general usage of modern technologies as well as those in IT solutions, mobile communications or the fixed network. Over a project term of 5 years, the quality of life of the citizens, quality of location and urban networking should be increased in a sustainable way using cutting-edge information and communication technology.
The Deutsche Telekom CEO was particularly impressed by the citizens’ involvement. "We’ve been surprised and impressed by what the people in the 52 cities achieved by October 31, 2006. More than 1,000 ideas were put forward and combined in projects." René Obermann thanked the mayors from the 10 finalist cities on behalf of the Deutsche Telekom Board of Management. "Your contribution is an example to all those in administration, trade and industry, education and healthcare or in any other position in our country wanting to change things for their citizens."
The telecoms group has earmarked up to EUR 35 million worth of communications infrastructure. Selected project ideas from Friedrichshafen will then be realized on these ultra-modern networks. Deutsche Telekom intends to provide additional funds to the value of up to EUR 80 million for this.
An independent jury including Volker Angres (ZDF), Professor Dr. Jo Groebel (German Digital Institute), Professor Dr. med. Harald Korb (Personal Health Care Telemedicine Services GmbH), Dr. Gerd Landsberg (German Association of Towns and Municipalities), Professor Dr. Miriam Meckel (University of St. Gallen), Professor Dr. Eckard Minx (DaimlerChrysler AG), Thomas Osterkorn (Stern magazine), Susanne Risch (BrandEins Media AG), Dr. h.c. Herbert Schmalstieg (retired mayor), Hans Burghard Ziermann (Alcatel Lucent) as well as Stephan Althoff (Deutsche Telekom) chose the
The ten finalist cities had until the end of January to develop their project ideas in depth. To this end, a team of experts from Deutsche Telekom and scientists from the University of Bonn held in-depth meetings with the finalists in December . In connection with this, the project owners were given numerous tips on how to improve their ideas and detailed questions were discussed.
In May 2006, Deutsche Telekom launched the