Update May 31, 2022Deutsche Telekom is continuing its aid measures for Ukrainian refugees: to enable them to stay in touch with their families and friends back home, Telekom Deutschland is offering them a low-cost prepaid plan from June 10. The new MagentaMobil Prepaid Ukraine rate gradually replaces the SIM cards previously provided as emergency aid - their use was and is limited until June 30. All users of the previous SIM cards will be notified of the offer to switch to the new rate by SMS from mid-June.
- ID document is legitimation requirement for Ukraine refugees
- Larger groups continue to be equipped via aid organizations
Free SIM cards are now also available in Deutsche Telekom shops for refugees from Ukraine. One card is issued per refugee family. A valid Ukrainian identity document must be presented for identification purposes. The reason: In Germany, SIM cards may only be provided on a personalized basis due to legal regulations.
The cards are activated within 24 hours of issue. The SIM cards allow unlimited telephony, and data usage is also not limited. Users can find all further information in a flyer available in the stores in Ukrainian, German and English.
Deutsche Telekom has initially equipped its 370 or so own shops with all the necessary materials, and around 170 partner stores will be added in the course of Friday. This provides refugees with a nationwide network of contact points.
Deutsche Telekom is also continuing to distribute SIM cards at central points of contact such as Berlin's main train station and is expanding this to include other major cities.
Groups are equipped via aid organizations
Deutsche Telekom points out that larger groups cannot be served in the stores. These will continue to be equipped via a large number of aid organizations, which will be supplied with SIM cards centrally by Deutsche Telekom.
Questions: ukrainehilfe@telekom.de
About Deutsche Telekom: Deutsche Telekom Group profile