- All base stations equipped with LTE
- NRW Top of the list with 30 base stations
- Check coverage on telekom.de/netzausbau (German only)
Deutsche Telekom is driving forward network expansion. In May and June 2019, 141 new mobile communications locations were put into operation. They all are equipped with LTE. In addition hundreds of further locations were covered with LTE or LTE capacities have been enlarged.
“LTE will remain the basis for further development of the mobile communications network for years to come”, says Walter Goldenits, Chief Technology Officer at Telekom Deutschland. “We must therefore continue to pursue the rollout of LTE. And of course every new location is needed also for 5G.“
Outlook for mobile communications
Deutsche Telekom will raise the number of mobile base stations in Germany from 29,000 currently to 36,000 in 2021. The LTE expansion will help Deutsche Telekom fill coverage gaps in mobile communications and increase bandwidths. Population coverage is set to increase to 98 percent in the coming year.
This expansion is an important component for the future 5G network. 5G is the standard for communications in the future. It combines fixed-network and mobile communications. Deutsche Telekom is playing an important role in the development of this global standard.
Where the new base stations are located
- Bruchsal, Esslingen am Neckar, Freiburg im Breisgau, Karlsruhe (2 locations), Neckargemünd, Offenburg (2 locations), Reutlingen, Schwetzingen
- Ansbach, Arnbruck, Burkardroth, Buxheim, Deggendorf (2 locations), Erlangen, Furth im Wald, Geisenfeld, Gilching, Grafing bei München (2 locations), Großkarolinenfeld, Hohenbrunn, Kitzingen, Kößlarn, München, Neukirchen beim Heiligen Blut, Neustadt bei Coburg, Oberaurach, Penzing, Perkam, Viechtach, Walpertskirchen, Weiherhammer
Berlin (2 locations)
- Falkenberg, Grünheide, Rheinsberg
Hamburg (3 locations)
- Bad Camberg, Friedberg, Grebenstein, Grünberg, Gründau, Gudensberg, Kassel, Kelkheim (Taunus), Marburg, Ronneburg, Schlüchtern, Wildeck
Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
- Greifswald, Hagenow, Lewitzrand, Ralswiek, Rostock, Schwerin, Warlitz, Warlow
Lower Saxony
- Bleckede, Dünsen, Gehrden, Isernhagen, Lamspringe, Papenburg (2 locations), Rodenberg, Wolfsburg (2 locations), Wunstorf (2 locations)
North Rhine-Westphalia
- Bergheim, Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Brilon, Dortmund (2 locations), Duisburg (2 locations), Düsseldorf (2 locations), Euskirchen, Frechen, Hamm, Hattingen, Holzwickede, Iserlohn, Jüchen, Kerken, Köln, Kranenburg, Lüdenscheid, Münster, Nordkirchen, Remscheid, Schalksmühle, Solingen, Velbert, Witten, Wuppertal
- Baumholder, Blankenrath, Koblenz (2 locations), Mörschied
- Heusweiler, Saarbrücken
- Burkhardtsdorf, Chemnitz (2 locations), Dresden (2 locations), Jöhstadt, Leipzig, Wurzen, Zwenkau
- Barby, Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Halberstadt, Halle (Saale), Hohe Börde, Magdeburg (2 locations), Naumburg (Saale)
- Holm, Neumünster, Rellingen
- Breitenworbis, Erfurt, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Luisenthal, Obermehler, Zeulenroda-Triebes (2 locations)
To find out whether you will benefit from this build-out, you can check your mobile communications coverage at www.telekom.de/netzausbau. The advisors at Telekom shops and specialist outlets, as well as at the free hotline (0800 330 1000), can also provide the information needed.
About Deutsche Telekom: Deutsche Telekom at a glance
DT invests several billion euros every year in building networks.