Ad hoc notification from Deutsche Telekom in accordance with § 15 of the Securities Trading Act (WpHG)
In today’s meeting, the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Telekom approved changes regarding the top of the Board of Management.
René Obermann, the company’s Chief Executive Officer, asked the Supervisory Board to be released from his duties as CEO as of December 31, 2013. The Supervisory Board has accepted his request and in mutual agreement consented to terminate his appointment at that juncture.
Chief Financial Officer Timotheus Höttges is to succeed René Obermann as of January 1, 2014 as CEO of Deutsche Telekom. Therefore, the Supervisory Board has decided to appoint him to Deputy CEO as of January 1, 2013, in addition to his current duties.
Disclaimer To the extent that this release contains any statements that relate to expectations, forecasts or to the future, these statements may be associated with known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Therefore, the actual events and circumstances may differ materially from these statements. Subject to mandatory provisions of law, the company has no obligation and undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any of these statements to correctly reflect, subsequently to this release, the actual events and circumstances.