Corporate Responsibility

Ariane Elena Fuchs


Human rights training receives award

Protecting human rights has been an essential part of Telekom’s corporate activities and management for more than two decades. Telekom’s human rights training educates, empowers and sensitizes employees to take responsibility. This training has now been honored with the GreenUp Award.

Telekom is committed to respecting and promoting human rights and environmental concerns wherever it operates, including in its supply chains and with business partners. “Acting responsibly” is a central component of Telekom’s corporate strategy and thus also represents a requirement for all Group employees.  It is therefore up to all of us to take these universal rights into account in our daily work worldwide. Our revised human rights training course deals with what this can look like in concrete terms at Telekom.

Human rights affects each and every human being!

Human rights affects each and every human being! ©

Human rights training for employees

Within approximately 25 minutes, employees gain practical insights into the topic of human rights. The training covers topics such as working conditions, health protection, freedom of association and discrimination. It not only imparts basic knowledge, but also enables employees to apply their new knowledge directly in the context of Telekom in practical decision-making scenarios. The aim is to enable employees to actively protect other people and themselves in their own working environment. The training is available in 12 languages on Telekom’s international online training platform and has now been awarded the GreenUp Award. 

The content of the training was co-designed by Telekom employees worldwide. The technical and creative implementation was supported by the consulting firm CP Consultingpartner AG.  

Award for outstanding educational media with a sustainability focus

The GreenUp Award, presented as part of the Erasmus+ project “Promoting sustainability in adult education through quality assurance in educational media”, recognizes outstanding educational media with a sustainability focus. These media, which are used in physical or digital form, in face-to-face events, in digital education or in combination as blended learning, are aimed at adult learners. The award was presented for the first time in 2024.

The project is being carried out by a partnership of seven EU countries that have been working together for over 20 years in the Comenius EduMedia Award jury. The jury of experts from science and business evaluate the digital educational media and award prizes to the best.

 ““My, your, our responsibility” - that is the headline of our human rights training and our program. Every employee contributes to ensuring that we put our commitment to human rights into practice every day. Our aim is to make the big concept of “human rights” tangible for daily practice in our global Group. We are proud that the content of the training was co-designed by our employees worldwide and reflects the reality of our company. Receiving the GreenUp Award is recognition of our ongoing commitment to human rights and at the same time an incentive for our future path,” says Mandy Linß, Cluster Lead Human Rights at Telekom.

Telekom’s commitment to human rights and environmental concerns

In order to put our commitment to respecting and promoting human rights and environmental concerns into practice, Telekom has had a comprehensive due diligence program in place since 2016. This program includes regular analyses of the potential risks and impacts of our business activities with regard to human rights and environmental concerns. Telekom uses the results of these analyses to avoid, minimize or end negative impacts and make targeted improvements.

Telekom’s “Code of Human Rights” specifies the commitment to respecting and promoting human rights and environmental concerns at all locations - including suppliers and business partners.

Woman showing thumb


Corporate Responsibility Awards.