Picture FAQ

Corporate Responsibility

Frequently asked questions

Find here answers to frequently asked questions about the Green Future Best Practice Award. 


The award is granted by Deutsche Telekom AG. With the Green Future Best Practice Awards, Deutsche Telekom recognizes and promotes best practices from partner companies that are exemplary in leading the way to a climate-friendly, circular industry and support critical areas for reaching Deutsche Telekom’s strategic environmental targets.

Application is only possible for invited nominees. Deutsche Telekom nominates promising partner companies in the realm of technology suppliers. 

Application process

The nominees will receive the necessary information for the application such as application form, timeline, and contact details for queries.

Based on the information on the application form, nominees will get a scoring and the highest scoring companies are shortlisted. Additionally uploaded material can serve as supporting information for the jury members in the awarding process.

Categories/What to submit

Yes, with different projects, suppliers can apply for different categories. It is, however, not possible to apply with the same project for multiple categories.

No, please consider the strongest area of benefits and enter it for the most relevant category for these benefits. We will contact you if we think the application has a better chance in a different category and offer you the chance to move categories / resubmit the application. 

For the innovation/ game changer category, projects with a new approach, but ideally proven results e.g. in another context/market and therefore immediate ability to deploy are fitting the application requirements.

Winner selection / Scoring

The scoring for categories 1 – “Environment” and 2 – “Circularity” covers: 

  • Alignment of the supplier with Deutsche Telekom in terms of corporate climate and circularity goals and targets  
  • Sustainability benefit 
  • Business benefit 
  • Linkage between actions and results achieved 
  • Challenges overcome 
  • Future plans 

For Category 3 – “Innovation”, scoring covers: 

  • Fit with existing Corporate Responsibility Strategy and Roadmap of Deutsche Telekom  
  • Sustainability benefit 
  • Business benefit 
  • Simplicity/ complexity of implementation  
  • Timescale to roll out – (is the innovation available now or an idea/ concept) 

Please check the section “winners” to get an overview.