Two hands holding a smartphone displaying a green forest on its screen

Corporate Responsibility

Climate and Environment

Deutsche Telekom has made a clear commitment to climate-neutral business practices and the pursuit of a circular economy. These key focal points of our corporate responsibility strategy shape our central activities. We look at all the ways our products, services, and activities impact the environment throughout the entire value chain and we support our customers on the journey towards a climate-neutral circular economy.

Focusing on climate neutrality

  • We will be climate neutral in terms of our own emissions (Scope 1&2) by the end of 2025. To achieve this, we will reduce our emissions by up to 95 percent compared to 2017 levels. We will offset the remaining emissions from our carbon footprint, concentrating on offsetting measures aimed at long-term removal of carbon from the atmosphere, such as afforestation. 
  • As an interim target on the way to becoming climate neutral, we have set ourselves the task of reducing carbon emissions in Scopes 1–3 by 55 percent until 2030 with respect to 2020 levels. 
  • By 2040 at the latest, we want to become climate neutral (Net-Zero) across the entire value chain. For this, we intend to cut emissions by at least 90 percent, so that we only need to offset up to 10 percent via high-quality carbon removal measures.
    Deutsche Telekoms Net-Zero targets were approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) confirming they uphold the Paris Agreement.

We have been meeting all our electricity requirements with renewable energy sources since 2021, while at the same time enhancing our energy efficiency. Through these measures and others, we are continuously driving down our environmentally harmful emissions. We also provide numerous products to help our customers in their pursuit of climate neutrality.

Focusing on a circular economy

  • We want to make almost all of our technologies and devices compatible with a circular economy across the entire value chain by 2030.

Our measures to achieve this include working closely with our suppliers to ensure factors such as a long service life and the reusability of raw materials are factored in right from the development stage for a product. We are also developing and adopting sustainable packaging. Through these measures and others, we are reducing volumes of waste, continuously enhancing compatibility with the circular economy, and helping to safeguard resources.

Responsibility and governance

Corporate responsibility is an important part of the Board of Management’s remit. The remuneration of Board of Management members and many employees in the Group is linked to sustainability targets, particularly the development of energy consumption and the reduction of environmentally harmful emissions.

We analyze and manage the opportunities and risks that arise from our commercial activities – from our cooperation with suppliers and internal processes right through to the use of our products and services and what happens to them when they reach the end of their useful life with our customers. To do this, we have rolled out a Group-wide environmental guidance (pdf, 615.5 KB).

Measuring and reporting on progress

We utilize specific key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure our progress. These KPIs are a central management tool and also help our stakeholders keep track of our progress. We measure CO2 emissions based on the internationally recognized standards of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Additional KPIs include the collection of old devices and the proportion of sustainable products. Our Corporate Responsibility Report provides an overview of the KPIs that have been recorded, the measures that have been implemented, and the progress that has been made.

Biodiversity and water usage

Deutsche Telekom regards other environmental issues such as water consumption and biodiversity as extremely important. Even though our own influence is limited, we are still working to reduce these environmental impacts. Our statement on biodiversity conservation and protection from deforestation provides an overview of the Group’s position and its activities.

National and international cooperation

Effective environmental protection and resource conservation must be a collective effort on the part of business, politics, science, and society. That is why we engage with numerous networks across Germany, such as Econsense, and international collaborations such as the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI). As an industry association, GeSI’s aim is to help make society greener and more climate-friendly with the help of ICT solutions.