Hot debates on the Internet

Hot debates on the Internet

"Thank you for our disagreement" - Why disagreements are inspiring when done right.

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Teachtoday Workshop "Conducting debates fairly on the internet".


Getting young people excited about debating

A democratic debate culture also thrives on mutual respect on the Internet. The Teachtoday initiative's "Net Debates" dossier explains to young people how this works.

Woman on Laptop


The Magic Word is Moderation

Moderating comment columns and chats has been proven to have a positive effect on the climate of discussion on the web.



The inspiration in contrary opinions

"Diskutier Mit Mir" - the name says it all. A program for political dialog and socially relevant topics. And for constructive dialog. And thus also against hate, fake news and the division of society.

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The digital space: a world full of inspiration and new perspectives?

Constructive dialogue on the Internet is often called for. But can we really stand counter-opinions? How do we manage to get into a really constructive dialogue that ultimately makes a difference?

Glossar: Hot debates on the Internet

Important terms explained briefly.


The term “Netiquette” refers to rules, e.g. in social networks, that are intended to maintain friendly and fair online interaction. The term is composed of the English "net" and the French "etiquette" (rules of conduct).

Love Speech

"Love Speech" means something like "Nice and warm language". It is based on the idea of – in contrast to "hate speech" – spreading positive and peaceful language. Likewise, "love speech" can be understood as a possible reaction to hate speech, which can have a de-escalating effect.
