


Nicolas Hanisch


The inspiration in contrary opinions

An opinion is expressed in social media and immediately there is opposition. Depending on who is writing and what the topic is, an exchange is hardly possible.Do we need verbal blows to make our position clear? Isn’t it far too seldom a matter of exchanging opinions?


"Diskutier Mit Mir" - the name says it all. A program for political dialog and socially relevant topics. And for constructive dialog. And thus also against hate, fake news and the division of society.

"Diskutier Mit Mir" (in English: “Discuss with me”) is one of 44 Telekom’s partners within the campaign  #TAKEPART – No hate speech. The goal: promoting constructive political and social dialog with the digital platform "Diskutier Mit Mir”.

“Diskutier Mit Mir": an app for more constructive dialog on the Internet

In 2017, Louis Klamroth initiated the association of the same name together with friends. Organized as a social startup, the association states on its website that it gives a voice to all citizens*, including those who otherwise do not feel asked. The platform offers a protected space where dialog takes place in chat form and without audience. 

Using an algorithm the "Diskutier Mit Mir"-platform matches people who have different opinions on a socially relevant topic and have made this clear with a “thumbs-up” or “thumbs-down”. They can discuss as long as both sides want to. Name, gender, etc. can remain unknown - unless you voluntarily want to reveal details about yourself. Finding a compromise is explicitly not the goal, more the enjoyment that different perspectives can be an enrichment and open up new ways of looking at things - regardless of whether one's own opinion changes or not.

Experience so far shows: it works! There are hardly any reports of "missteps," says Joachim Kirschstein, Managing Director of “Diskutier Mit Mir.” The app does not provide a public stage for trolls, and all users have explicitly decided to engage in a discussion.

What's new in 2021

Brand new at “Diskutier Mit Mir” is the community area for organizations, companies and engaged people with an own network. From now on they can all set their own topics and hold debates with their followers and employees in protected chat rooms that are only accessible to them. One innovation in this community area is the new option for moderated group chats. Here, each participating organization can hold an unlimited number of debates with invited groups. The moderator guides the conversation and each participant can contribute continuously.

#TAKEPART in fighting for a network without hate

No Hate Speech

Words must not become a weapon. Deutsche Telekom is fighting for a network without hate in which we treat one another respectfully.