
Words must not become a weapon

The internet enables us to come together with virtually no restrictions. However, this luxury is increasingly being abused to create divisions, to exclude or systematically humiliate people and the digital sphere is far too often a forum for hate speech, online uproar, and cyberbullying. Anyone can be a victim here – famous people and private individuals alike – and the number of people affected is rapidly increasingly.


Deutsche Telekom is fighting for a network without hate

As Germany’s leading network provider, it is our social responsibility and our self-declared obligation to address this situation. Therefore, we are fighting for a network without hate in which we treat one another respectfully. And we will only be satisfied when everybody is able to #TAKEPART in the digital sphere without being afraid.

Deutsche Telekom steadfastly stands by everybody who has been harassed and excluded due to the misuse of digital technology. We therefore support initiatives that systematically tackle the digital exclusion of individuals and thereby contribute to improving the situation of as many people as possible. So join us and our partners and #TAKEPART in fighting for a network without hate.


#TAKEPART in fighting for a network without hate

No Hate Speech

Words must not become a weapon. Deutsche Telekom is fighting for a network without hate in which we treat one another respectfully.