Member of the Supervisory Board since November 20, 2018, appointed until the shareholders' meeting 2028, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board since March 27, 2020, Head of the Collective Bargaining Policy Committee IKT, National Committee A at the ver.di National Executive Board, Berlin.
Member of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Telekom.
Year of birth: 1968 Place of birth: Essen Nationality: German
Career history:
Since 2016
Head of Collective Bargaining Policy Committee IKT, National Committee A at the ver.di National Executive Board, Berlin; Chairman of the ver.di Sozialverein (Social Association)
2005 – 2016
Representative for Collective Bargaining, Collective Bargaining Policy Committee, TC /IT National Committee ver.di National Executive Board, Berlin
1996 – 2005
Trade Union Secretary at the Central Executive Committee of the former Deutsche Postgewerkschaft union, Telecommunications department, Frankfurt; from 2001 in the Regional TC/IT Committee (in the area of co-determination, legal protection, civil servant and social policy) of ver.di, NRW region
1990 – 1996
Diverse functions in staff and works councils at the former Deutsche Bundespost and at Deutsche Telekom AG at local and central level, including release from work in most cases
Education and training:
1987 – 1993
Basic employment and subsequent training in the medium telecommunications grades of civil service and as a technical senior business administrator at Deutsche Bundespost
1984 – 1987
Training as a telecommunications technician at Deutsche Bundespost
Expertise/Professional focal points: Support of business re-engineering, organization and reorganization, and operational and corporate restructuring projects; project management/lead negotiator as well as activities in various committees; wage and collective bargaining law; pay & benefits and compensation systems; co-determination; product and service innovation
Seats on the Deutsche Telekom supervisory bodies: - General Committee - Strategy, ESG and Innovation Committee - Personnel Committee, Chairman
Memberships of other supervisory boards required to be formed by law: - Telekom Deutschland GmbH, Bonn, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board