Member of the Supervisory Board since April 7, 2022, appointed until the shareholders' meeting 2026, Chairman of the Supervisory Board since April 7, 2022, former Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Post AG, Bonn.
Year of birth: 1961
Place of birth: Hamburg
Nationality: German
Career history:
Education and training:
Expertise/Professional focal points:
Top Manager with many years of expertise in leading a DAX 40 company, Profound knowledge in the areas of corporate and strategic development, finance and international capital markets, human resources development, digitalization, e-commerce and sustainability (ESG)
Seats on the Deutsche Telekom supervisory bodies:
- General Committee, Chairman
- Strategy, ESG and Innovation Committee, Chairman
- Personnel Committee
- Nomination Committee, Chairman
- Mediation Committee, Chairman
Memberships of other supervisory boards required to be formed by law:
- Fresenius Management SE, Bad Homburg
- RWE AG, Essen*