
Klaus Werner


With fiber optics, digitally optimistic into the future

An article by Klaus Werner, Director Business Customers Telekom Deutschland GmbH.

Digitalization has radically changed the way we work and live. And it continues to have an impact on us as a society and economy. Modern technologies such as robotics, hyperautomation, the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) offer immense opportunities. But to fully exploit these, we need a high-performance data infrastructure. This is where fiber comes into play. 

Klaus Werner, Director Business Customers Telekom Deutschland GmbH.

Klaus Werner, Director Business Customers Telekom Deutschland GmbH. © Deutsche Telekom

Fiber optics is the must-have

Digitalization requires fast and reliable data transmission, which only fibre optics can provide. With transmission speeds in the gigabit range and thus literally in a matter of seconds, fiber optics enables efficient and real-time communication. This speed is essential for industrial applications and modern business processes. Optical fiber also provides the basis for the full performance of 5G and connects the 5G base stations. Countries that have already invested heavily in this technology are in a better economic position to compete internationally.

Telekom is expanding these networks: We already have a fiber optic network with a length of over 750,000 km in Germany. That's almost the distance to the moon and back again. And we are not stopping there, but are investing more than five billion euros every year in the digital infrastructure in Germany. By 2030, Deutsche Telekom wants to supply at least 25 million households and companies with the new technology. 

Use fiber optics now

The German government is actively supporting the digital transformation with funding programs and targeted measures. The “Digital Summit” and the start-up strategy offer companies financial incentives and consulting services to successfully shape the digital transformation. Companies that invest in fiber optic technology now secure long-term competitive advantages and can react more quickly to market changes. With our consulting on funding in the "Schubkraft" program, we provide companies with guidance on how their digitalization projects can receive state funding.

One thing is clear: fiber optics is becoming a lifeline for companies and the economy. That is why we are going one step further and offering our business customers independent fiber optic tariffs for the first time with "Fiber 150" to "Fiber 2,000". A tariff is not enough. We also offer outage protection, a non-stop network, so to speak. If there are interruptions to the fixed network and therefore also the Internet, this can lead to considerable operational disruption. With our new tariffs, a 5G mobile module automatically steps in if there are problems with the landline connection. At the same time, the system automatically triggers fault clearance in the background. This means that all applications continue to run without restriction.

Future-proof and sustainable with fiber optics

At Telekom, we are convinced that investing in fiber optic infrastructure is not only a step towards a secure future and essential for the company's future success, but also a contribution to sustainability. This is because fiber optics is more energy-efficient and has a longer service life than conventional copper cables.

At the same time, fiber optics strengthens digital sovereignty through a stable and secure infrastructure. This is particularly important at a time when cyber attacks and data breaches are on the rise.

Fiber optic expansion is no longer an option, but a necessity for the modern economy. Companies that invest in their infrastructure now are not only positioning themselves for current competition, but also for the future. Given the extensive support from the federal government and the clear benefits that a modern data infrastructure offers, there is no better time than now to switch to fiber. We at T Business are committed to fiber optics. For the digital future of the economy. For a digital Germany!  

Klaus Werner

Klaus Werner

Director Business Customers Telekom Deutschland GmbH

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