
100 terms of diversity

As an international company, topics such as diversity, an inclusive approach and fair treatment of one another are a central part of our corporate culture and at the same time a prerequisite for our long-term success. When it comes to conversations around diversity issues, many important questions arise. Many people often don't take part in the discussion out of uncertainty and fear of saying the wrong thing. To change this, we have created a guide: the Diversity Glossary (pdf, 1.3 MB) with 100 diversity terms.

100 Begriffe der Vielfalt

Created in collaboration with our employee networks, it promotes dialog and answers questions such as: What does cisgender actually mean? What does BIPoC stand for? 

The Diversity Glossary enables a personal learning journey on diversity, equal opportunities and participation, which began with our Diversity eLearning. It is intended to serve as a compass to find your way around the terminology and to make it easier to deal with topics that are still difficult or associated with uncertainty for many.

Ultimately, however, it is and remains a guide: none of it is mandatory, none of it is controlled. It is another step towards creating a workplace that celebrates diversity, promotes equal opportunities and embeds participation in our culture.