Report on the Law on Equal Participation of Women and Men in Leadership Positions in the Public and Private Sector (Gesetz für die gleichberechtigte Teilhabe von Frauen und Männern an Führungspositionen in der Privatwirtschaft und im öffentlichen Dienst)
Since as early as 2010, Deutsche Telekom has been pursuing the self-initiated goal of having 30 percent of its management positions filled by women Group-wide. This target has already been exceeded in the Group's Supervisory Board, 35 percent of which is made up by women. Significant progress has been made across the Group too, and the proportion of women has risen by one-third in middle and senior management in this period.
Joint initiative
Globally, women make up almost 26 percent of managers at the moment. Deutsche Telekom has been disclosing the proportion of women in these management levels (nationally and internationally) in its annual report for many years. In addition, already four years before the legal regulation came into force, Deutsche Telekom co-initiated a joint initiative of 30 DAX companies to increase the proportion of women in management.
Long-term goal
In terms of the new German Law on Equal Participation of Women and Men in Leadership Positions in the Public Sector, Deutsche Telekom is going one step further. Deutsche Telekom has set its objective for both levels below the Board of Management and for the management of the affected legal units as well as for the internal supervisory boards in Germany. Here too the Group persists in pursuing the goal of achieving its women's quota of 30 percent by 2020.
The status quo
Deutsche Telekom AG's current figures are as follows, as at December 31:
- Supervisory Board: 40.00 percent women
- Board of Management: 1/7 women
- Management level (n-1): 29.6 percent women
- Management level (n-2): 25.5 percent women
Supervisory Board Readiness Program started
To achieve the target of 30 percent, a series of measures have already been taken: By creating a high degree of transparency for identifying talented individuals within the Group, women are being approached and considered when jobs are filled. The second round of Deutsche Telekom's Supervisory Board Readiness Program began in November 2015, in which women in particular are being trained up for Supervisory Board positions. In addition, Deutsche Telekom has an extensive work-life portfolio for parents, allowing flexible work and hence a good balance between career and family.