Deutsche Telekom hosted the "STEM Summit" of the Association of German Female Entrepreneurs (Verband deutscher Unternehmerinnen VdU). Everything revolved around artificial intelligence. We had a conversation with a participant on the sidelines of the event about her impressions. In the interview: Marit Zenk, entrepreneur from Hamburg.
Why is the topic of AI relevant to you?
Marit Zenk: I coach assistants and executives of different companies, different industries and sizes. Many of them deal with the AI megatrend. I want to meet them at eye level in terms of content. In general, understanding the technological upheavals, the new possibilities and their impact on the economy, markets and society, and being in tune with the times is crucial for success in my job.
What does the exchange with others on this topic mean to you?
Marit Zenk: I generally find it interesting to exchange ideas with others in order to cross-fertilize, to explore and understand other points of view, to be able to indulge in new perspectives and, moreover, to get an overall impression of where we stand socially on this topic.
What does the recurring Summit mean to you?
Marit Zenk: If something is recurring, it will be important and necessary. Women have a lot of catching up to do in the STEM field, so it's good that the VdU e. V. is recurring with the Summit and reporting on trends and issues in this field from its perspective. We deliberately choose different locations for this in order to keep attracting new members and interested parties. And we are grateful that big companies support us again and again in hosting the Summit. At this point, thank you once again to Deutsche Telekom, not only for the premises, but also for the insight into your AI world.
What are the most important insights you took back to Hamburg from the Summit?
Marit Zenk: Smart is getting even smarter. I am impressed by the progress we are making in AI and even more so that, according to Nicole Büttner, Germany hosts the most AI researchers. That makes me proud, since we have already let ourselves be left behind in other areas. We can no longer rest on "made in Germany" for a long time now and should streamline our bureaucracy to be able to pick up speed in development. However, this should in no way detract from quality. In addition, we need to reduce fear of AI and promote trust in it. Education and transparency are needed here on the part of developers and data experts. As for Deutsche Telekom, I'm excited to see what your Design Gallery has to offer. I am concerned about where we are going to get all the electricity for our smart home, or rather, for our smart life in the future, and how we will be able to pay for this immense demand. I would like to see innovative alternative energy channels.