
Easy and simple: Virtual fiber

Gigabit speeds for households and enterprises without having to dig trenches: Virtual fiber wirelessly straddles “the last mile”. 

Easy & simple: Virtual fiber

Customers only have a small antenna at home for reception, which is supplied by an access point at a street light.

The wireless fixed network connection with fiber-optic Gigabit Speed - this is what Telekom is working on and testing in the Virtual Fiber innovation project. The goal is to supply more households and small businesses with broadband quickly and flexibly - wirelessly over the last mile, i.e. without digging or drilling.

This works with millimeter wave technology (mmWave), a freely available 60 GHz frequency on which large amounts of data can be transmitted quickly. Customers only have a small antenna at home for reception, which is supplied by an access point at a street light. For example, the customer's house antenna could be invisibly installed in the house number. The personal Wi-Fi is then simply connected to the signal of this antenna.

The special and new thing about the solution: In cooperation with worldwide manufacturers and partners, a new, open ecosystem is used to drive the technical solution based on standard components and an unlicensed spectrum to a low-cost customer innovation.




DT invests several billion euros every year in building networks.