


René Bresgen


Sea Hero Quest hits four Million downloads

Sea Hero Quest Mobile has reached four million downloads worldwide – cementing its position as an undeniable force for good.

Sea Hero Quest

Four Million people have already played Sea Hero Quest.

Of course, the game is fun to play. However, it seems doing good is the main driving force for people to download and play. Over the past year the game created a real movement, where people jointly gathered data to help scientists in the fight against dementia.

As Hans-Christian Schwingen, Telekom’s chief brand officer says, “We consider the data as open source. Scientists are already using the data for their research and came up with first findings about how different people and countries navigate and even created world’s first benchmark of spatial navigation.” This data entails huge potential. “Therefore, we are inviting further scientific researchers in the field of dementia, to seize this opportunity and use the data for their own research”, says Schwingen.

Together with scientists and game developers, Deutsche Telekom had launched the mobile game available on iOS and Android, and also a successful VR version available for Samsung Gear VR and Google Daydream. Both games are available for free. Every aspect of Sea Hero Quest has been designed to provide insights about the way we navigate every day. As players make their way through mazes of islands and icebergs, every second of gameplay can be translated into scientific data by experts. It’s now over to the scientists to sort through the masses of data. They aim to develop a diagnostic tool until 2020 - allowing a much earlier diagnosis then currently possible. 

According to the The Global Impact of Dementia report, dementia will affect 135 Million people worldwide by 2050. Dementia disrupts the formation of new memories often leaving those affected isolated and disorientated. For many people living with dementia, one of the first effects they experience is a loss of spatial awareness, as they lose the ability to navigate their way through even well-known places and environments.

The legacy of Deutsche Telekom's ‘Sea Hero Quest’ is a key example of the company's commitment to technological innovation and its digital responsibility ethos. The initiative shows us how digitalisation, particularly Cloud Services can support science in a positive way.


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