A highlight not only for Bonn people but also for basketball fans: the Telekom Dome. Together with the Telekom Baskets we are opening the doors of the Telekom Dome and you can join us.
This is the third Telekom InstaWalk and we are back in Bonn. We start on May 1, 2018 – meeting point ist he players‘ entry of the Telekom Dome. Further details will be sent by e-mail to the attendees.
Organization of the InstaWalk
You always wanted to enter the home of our Telekom Baskets? Then this is your chance: we open the doors of the Telekom Dome. Together we discover the VIP lounge, sports club, arena, the players’ tunnel and some more exciting places. We might even meet one of the players or Bonnie, the mascot. 😉
After our exploration tour we will have some snacks and drinks to get ready for the next highlight: the final match of the season against FC Bayern München.
Of course, there are a lot opportunities and spots to take photos and post them using the Hashtags #telekomdoors, #igerstelekom and #BasketsSpirit.
You would you like to be part of our second InstaWalk? Very cool! Everyone who has an Instagram account and fun with photography can participate. Please send an e-mail to instagram@telekom.de with your Instagram account as well as your first and last name by April 24, 2018.
One further note: we can only accept a limited number of participants. So, hurry up and get in touch with us.
Participation is free of charge. The liability for accidents and any other kind of damages lies with the individual participant.