In the HR Factbook for the 2021 financial year, we have compiled all the key figures relating to Deutsche Telekom's employees.
The HR Factbook bundles information about our organizational culture as well as the diversity, skills and performance potential of our workforce. You will also find information on management engagement, occupational health and safety. An overview of personnel costs and data on recruitment complete the comprehensive picture of our human resources work.
Details on these topics are provided in the form of tables and diagrams, supplemented by short explanatory texts.
Key metrics for 2021
- A total of 216,528 employees works for Deutsche Telekom in 34 countries.
- An average full-time employee at Deutsche Telekom generated revenue of EUR 492,600 in 2021.
- In total, a benefit of more than EUR 169 million was generated with employee ideas.
- On average, our employees spent 4.6 days a year in further training, 4.1 of which with digital media.
- The health rate is 95.3 percent.
- New key figure: the proportion of digital experts worldwide is 17.7 percent.
Publication archiveThe HR Factbooks as well as the personnel reports of the previous years can be found in our publication archive.