With the Instagram Account @deutschetelekom, we already share exclusive insights into the Deutsche Telekom world. On May 18, 20 interested people will get the chance to take a look behind the scenes and check out the headquarters in Bonn.
Off we go on May 18 at 6 p.m. – we will meet at the main entrance next to the Telekom Shop, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn. Modern offices and the green inner courtyard will be part of this photo walk and also the office of CEO Timotheus Höttges.
Organization of the InstaWalk
We will explore the building together, taking about two hours. There will be enough time for anecdotes and also opportunities to photograph the individual stations and, of course, to post the photos using the hashtags #telekomdoors and #igerstelekom.
We will end the InstaWalk with some snacks.
Everyone with an Instagram account and love for taking pictures is welcome. You want to join us? Send an E-Mail to Instagram@telekom.de with your Instagram handle and full name. You are one part of a team of two? Then send also the details of your second half.
We will get back to you latest by May 12 to let you know whether you can join us.
One further note: we can only accept a limited number of participants. So hurry up and get in touch with us.
Participation is free of charge. The liability for accidents and any other kind of damages lies with the individual participant.
By the way…
We already have ideas for further InstaWalks. But what do you think, which door of Deutsche Telekom should we open next?