
Easy and simple: digitalization in the public sector

Digitalization in public sector is a significant transformation process. It aims to make administrative services more efficient, more accessible and, above all, more user-friendly. At the same time, digital administration must keep pace with the daily threat from cyberspace. 

The digitalization of the public sector encompasses the introduction and use of digital technologies. The aim is to optimize administrative processes and improve services for citizens and businesses. This can be achieved through the provision of online services, the use of e-files and the implementation of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain

Why is the digitalization of the public sector so important?

Digitalization in the public sector benefits citizens and companies. Among other things, it should enable administrative services to be accessible around the clock from anywhere without having to visit an authority in person. At the same time, digital systems enable better traceability of applications. This increases transparency.

In addition, digital processes are often faster and less error-prone than manual procedures. This saves time and costs. Another important effect: by reducing paper consumption and physical transport routes, digitalization also contributes to environmental friendliness in public authorities.

The path to digital citizen services

Every citizen uses administrative services several times in their life. For example, applying for a passport, re-registering when moving house or renewing a resident's parking permit. Until now, it was always necessary to visit the authorities in person. 

With the “Onlinezugangsgesetz” (OZG), which was passed in 2017, the federal government, federal states and local authorities are now obliged to offer their administrative services digitally since the end of 2022. This means that the most important administrative services are to be offered digitally via a network of administrative portals. This includes services such as applying for ID cards, registering vehicles and submitting tax returns. It is a significant step in the modernization of public administration in Germany.

  • In accordance with the requirements of the “Onlinezugangsgesetz” (OZG), d-NRW developed the Serviceportal.NRW, a modular service portal, together with Telekom MMS. Applications can be recorded electronically and transferred to the authorities without media discontinuity. The Serviceportal.NRW forms the basis for the gradual integration of various specialist applications. 
  • Bauportal.NRW serves as a central platform on the subject of construction. The processes relating to building application and planning permission procedures will become simpler and more transparent.
  • Monheim am Rhein has been positioning itself as a pioneer in the field of digital public infrastructure for years with several smart city projects. There are tablet-supported lessons in the municipal schools, the municipal committees work paperless, the first networked streetlights independently measure temperature and power consumption or report technical problems.
  • The “Zentrum Bayern Familie und Soziales” (ZBFS) is a state authority of the Bavarian State Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Family and Integration and is responsible for the social services of the Free State of Bavaria. This includes implementing the Federal Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act, promoting the participation of people with disabilities in working and professional life as well as child and youth welfare. To ensure that all citizens have access to the information and applications of the ZBFS, it is essential that the website is accessible.
  • The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) is involved in the Helmholtz-wide MALTGHF working group. This group is pursuing the goal of setting up IT in a sovereign manner - in line with the federal government's digital strategy. Together with T-Systems, HZB tested a trial version of the Open Source Collaboration service, an alternative to the standard Microsoft products for collaboration. Data security also plays a decisive role in the development of IT. 

The challenges of digitalization

The successful digitalization of the public sector depends largely on a stable and secure IT infrastructure. A robust technical basis is necessary in order to be able to offer digital services in a reliable and scalable manner.

Data protection and IT security are also important. The protection of personal data is a top priority in order to ensure trust in digital administrative services. Another aspect is maintaining digital sovereignty, i.e. the autonomous and independent design and control of one's own digital infrastructure, data and technologies.

In addition to the technical infrastructure and data security, acceptance and training play a decisive role. Both administrative employees and citizens must be trained and sensitized to the use of digital services. In addition, digital services must be accessible in an inclusive manner, for example for the visually impaired or in plain language.

Future prospects

The digitalization of the public sector is an ongoing process. It offers numerous advantages and opportunities. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) in particular can further simplify the automation of routine activities. The implementation of blockchain or identity solutions can promote secure transactions. And smart city concepts are making residential areas smarter and more liveable. 

Despite some challenges, the digitalization of the public sector is an important step towards a modern and sustainable society.

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