
Easy and simple: Digital X

A city as a trade fair, focus future. As market of information. Two days of experiencing new things, of exchanging ideas on the most urgent issues of digitization and sustainability. Of learning from others. Of getting a taste of technologies and virtual worlds and finding out what they mean for society and the economy. And, above all, for your own journey. That's Digital X in Cologne. A festival of digitization for entrepreneurs - and everyone else, too.

Deutsche Telekom CEO Tim Höttges on stage at Digital X 2023.

A city as a trade fair for the future. Two days in Cologne. That's Digital X. © Deutsche Telekom

The "X" in "Digital X" stands for multiple. The multiple of possibilities that digitization brings. A buzzword that everyone associates with something different. And just as different are the everyday worlds of people and the industries in which they work. Common ground for self-employed, SMEs as well as large companies: computing power, new applications, software and new business processes, as well as strong telecommunications networks, provide them with countless new opportunities.

Megatrends: People at the center of all developments

Digital technologies are constantly evolving and have an impact on all areas of human interaction, from private households, education and professional life to culture, society and politics. Under the motto "Be digital. Stay human", leading minds from society, science and business are therefore discussing how digitalization can make our world more socially just, livable and sustainable. 

After all, ethical responsibility and humanity must provide guardrails for all developments. To the same extent that fake news and manipulated customer reviews can damage a company's market position in the shortest possible time, an intelligent warehouse system can autonomously control logistics processes in advance thanks to AI and contactless data exchange via RFID. Companies become more flexible and robust in times of crisis.

World exhibition of digitization

One thing is certain: Everything is developing rapidly. Wants to be grasped, learned and applied. Demands new forms of knowledge exchange. Digital X wants to make this happen and bring new impulses directly to the users: as a "world exhibition of digitization" located in the city. Behind the annual event is Deutsche Telekom as the initiator, together with more than 300 international partner companies - including Microsoft, Samsung, Zoom, Cisco, Jabra and the BMVW, the association of small and medium-sized enterprises. Their common goal is to simplify and enrich society and public life through new technologies. 

Learn what is possible

To this end, Digital X brings together SMEs, corporations, startups, politicians, and leading experts and visionaries. It allows intensive exchange about innovations. To learn from each other and to experience what is possible. And it does so along megatrends such as the Future of Work, Connected Business, Security and Sustainability & Responsibility. Examples of Digital X topics: 

  • Digital route planning or online meetings for everyday business. 
  • Predictive maintenance of machines thanks to intelligent fault forecasts. 
  • The possibility of how employees can be instructed via virtual reality and, for example, be trained how to maintain a mining excavator in a 3D environment.
  • The metaverse, including the option for Digital X guests to have their own avatar created.
  • Also: a look at the digital classroom with tablets and an online learning platform.
  • Software solutions that help companies meet regulatory requirements in relation to sustainability and make their efforts measurable and visible.
  • And just as well social topics like promoting equality and diversity in eSports. 

You can find the entire program here.  

Learning from pioneers

Those who come to Digital X learn from others how to use the innovations. Each year, an award shines the spotlight on particularly enriching digital solutions. The event is also intended for consumers, such as the citizens of Cologne and, of course, beyond. 

With its thematic structure, Digital X covers several districts of Cologne. It provides space for networking and presentations. There are no booths like at conventional trade shows. Instead, local restaurants and pubs host the information on offer, thus serving sustainability. Equally environmentally friendly: electric vehicles and no disposable tableware. Digital X sees itself as a growing "community" of all the people it attracts. These network at the event and beyond. For example, in the "Digital X" LinkedIn group.

Would you like to learn more and talk to experts about digitization? Then come to Cologne on September 18 and 19, 2024, for the Digital X - World Digitalization Exhibition. With stages, marketplaces, brand houses and top-class speakers, Cologne's city center will once again become the world exhibition of digitalization. 

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