The company is once again honored with the Corporate Health Award, the fourth time it has won in the Service, IT and Communications category.
The annual Corporate Health Award honors companies that act as role models in the area of corporate health management. This year, more than 300 companies, public-sector authorities and institutions competed for the award, which is organized in Germany by various bodies together with the Handelsblatt newspaper.
In bestowing the award on Deutsche Telekom, the jury honored the fact that health awareness is a key component of the company’s corporate philosophy. “Last year, the company succeeded in interesting 90,000 of its employees in health-related campaigns,” said Pascal Gerckens. In his presentation speech, the director of the periodicals 360°, Handelsblatt and Wirtschaftswoche underscored Deutsche Telekom’s commitment to having a fit, motivated workforce: “To achieve this, the company’s top management act as disseminators.”
The jury also made special mention of office fitness bikes, the innovative physical exercise devices Deutsche Telekom offers its workers in their offices. Cycling at one’s desk is designed to counteract the musculoskeletal ailments that prolonged sitting in the wrong position can lead to. Back in May this year, the same project was awarded the special “BGF-Innovativ” prize at the German Corporate Awards for Health (German).
Corporate health management at Deutsche Telekom comprises not only traditional preventive measures such as flu shots, bowel cancer screening and consultation services, but also numerous other health and occupational safety offerings that are available to employees free of charge.
“The award truly confirms we are on the right track,” said a delighted Thomas Kremer, who is a member of the Deutsche Telekom Board of Management. “Our aim is to raise our employees’ awareness of health in the long term with the very latest in preventive measures.” Kremer accepted the award on behalf of the company together with Dietmar Welslau, Head of Human Resources Management, and Kurt Schuchmann, Chief Safety Engineer.