Deutsche Telekom scores again on its brand value. The successful performance underlines the brand strategy and the positive development of the company based on sustainable investments.
Deutsche Telekom occupies a top position. The BrandZ study "Top50 Most Valuable German Brands" again ranks the company as the second most valuable brand in Germany. The brand value amounts to USD 44.9 billion. This puts Deutsche Telekom ahead of Mercedes-Benz (22.1), BMW (21.9) and Adidas (17.1). SAP is in first place (50.9). Telekom was the only company to increase its value among the top four. Compared with the previous year, it jumped nine percent. In addition to financial figures, the study also takes into account the opinion of consumers.
The successful performance confirms the positive economic development of the company and the consistent implementation of its brand strategy. In addition, sustainable investments in network quality, innovations and customer service pay off on the result. By mid-January, Deutsche Telekom had already scored again as the most valuable European telecommunications brand (Brand Finance Global 500).
BrandZ analysts attribute the success of strong brands to a high-quality customer experience. Trust is also an important criterion. Consumers expect fair behavior from brands. The total value of the German top 50 brands amounts to 336 billion US dollars. This means that Germany remains the benchmark in a European comparison. Further information on the study is available at www.brandz.com.