
Christoph Handwerk


100 days to go until UEFA EURO 2024

The UEFA EURO in Germany kicks off on 14 June, with exactly 100 days to go until the opening match. It's time to take a look at the current status of the project with Michael Hagspihl, who is responsible for the European Championships at Deutsche Telekom, and Henning Stiegenroth, Senior Vice President Content & Sponsoring.

Michael, Henning, as of today we are counting down: There are still 100 days until the start of EURO 24 in Germany. Where does Deutsche Telekom stand in its preparations?

from left: Michael Hagspihl, Henning Stiegenroth.

Michael Hagspihl (left), responsible for the European Championships at DT, and Henning Stiegenroth, Senior Vice President Content & Sponsoring. © Deutsche Telekom

Michael Hagspihl: For Deutsche Telekom, tournament preparations have been in full swing in many areas for months. Now we can't wait for kick-off. Our three-pillar partnership with UEFA in the areas of infrastructure supply, sponsorship and media rights is exactly the right approach to demonstrate Telekom's strengths at the home EURO. We will welcome people from all over the world here in Germany this summer. They should be able to experience the EURO on the best network, at all touchpoints and with the best TV offering. For this purpose, all traffic lights at Deutsche Telekom are green. The ball can roll!

Where do we stand in terms of connecting stadiums with 5G and fiber optics?

Michael Hagspihl: At the moment, our technicians are in the process of equipping all stadiums with sufficient 5G antennas. In Stuttgart, for example, this has been successfully completed, and in Berlin it is planned to install a further 70 antennas in the coming weeks. With fibre optics, we have a different time horizon, because the Bundesliga doesn't just stop playing for our expansion (laughs). That's why we won't be able to secure the supply of fiber optics until after the end of the season. But that's what our technicians have in mind.

Henning Stiegenroth: We are also in the starting blocks to connect the IBC, i.e. the International Broadcasting Center, in Leipzig to our network. From mid-March we will start with the set-up and test in parallel so that the pictures of the tournament can go around the world. Here, too, we are completely on schedule. 

Deutsche Telekom will have a strong presence during the tournament. What exactly can we look forward to?

Henning Stiegenroth: Thanks to our sponsorship partnership with UEFA, Magenta will be visible all over the country. On TV, of course, because only MagentaTV shows all 51 games live and in UHD. But we also want to show our brand beyond that, for example on cars in our fleet, on the boards in the stadiums, in UEFA's fan zones, in our shops or through our "Voll dabei" campaign on advertising spaces throughout the country. 

Michael Hagspihl: And there are also some highlights with particularly high charisma. For example, we are planning a real magenta lighthouse project in Berlin, but we can't unveil it yet. In addition, we will use an innovative use case with a partner to play out moving images in public spaces. The idea of building a kind of Telekom Cube on the fan zone in Berlin is completely new, in which the popular social reaction show for MagentaTV will be produced, among other things.

from left: Michael Hagspihl, Henning Stiegenroth.

Michael Hagspihl (left), responsible for the European Championships at DT, and Henning Stiegenroth, Senior Vice President Content & Sponsoring. © Deutsche Telekom

Deutsche Telekom is also responsible for the flag team program. What is the status here?

Michael Hagspihl: From my point of view, the flag team program is the emotional highlight of the entire tournament. We enable our customers to win more than 400 places for their children aged 12 to 16 through our MagentaMoments loyalty program. We are particularly looking forward to giving children and young people moments with this campaign that will accompany them for a lifetime and that money cannot buy. I can well imagine how the eyes of the youngsters will light up when they walk into a packed stadium together with the biggest football stars in Europe and experience this incredible atmosphere. In my time, I would have wished for such an opportunity from the bottom of my heart, but I only made 😉 it as far as a ball boy in the district league

For several years, public viewing in the catering industry and at official events has been part of every major football tournament. Will that also be possible at EURO 2024?

Henning Stiegenroth: Definitely, yes. Together with our partner Sky, we will provide restaurants and hotels with all 51 matches of the EURO via MagentaTV. In addition, we will also use Sky to realize the mass phenomenon of public viewing in public places or at commercial events in order to reach as many football fans as possible in Germany. In total, UEFA expects around ten million spectators to attend the event. With MagentaTV, we will give all these football enthusiasts the opportunity to enjoy the games together, even in large groups. We believe that, similar to 2006, a wave of enthusiasm will sweep through our country, which will be further enhanced by public viewing.

What do you think is missing for a successful tournament?

Henning Stiegenroth: There is not yet much of a broad football euphoria. But I am convinced that more and more people will be infected by a positive mood as the opening game in Munich approaches. Positive results in the friendlies against France and the Netherlands at the end of the month could work wonders. 😉

Michael Hagspihl: I firmly believe in what Rudi Völler said at our press conference in Hamburg. We need optimal preparation and, in the remaining friendlies, performances from our team that will carry football Germany along. And then the fans will be there just in time for the start of the tournament and will carry our boys from game to game. This wave of euphoria will be felt by the national team. At least until the semi-finals 😉, so I'm optimistic for the continuation of the summer fairy tale.

The standard-bearers at the opening ceremony of the soccer game.

DT at UEFA EURO 2024

As a network supplier, national sponsor and TV rights holder, Deutsche Telekom will play a central role in the European Football Championship.