OTE SA / Cosmote SA
How to interpret the figures?
- The stated amounts represent the number of requests. The numbers in the following table represent distinct phone numbers. If for any reason there were multiple inquiries for the same phone number (e.g., prolongations), this is only counted once; “Subscriber master data” is the number of customers, on which the authorities have asked for personal data (name, address, etc) based on their phone number. The reported numbers represent executed requests.
- OTE SA and COSMOTE SA does not store the communication content of its customers in its systems.
Legal basis for Lawful Interception activities and Data Provisioning
- Article 19 of the Hellenic Constitution.
- Law 3115/2005 on the establishment of the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy.
- PD 47/2005 on the Procedures and technical and organizational safeguards for waiving of communication privacy.
- Law 5002/2022 on the procedural terms of waiving of communication privacy, cybersecurity and the protection of citizens’ personal data.
- Law 3917/2011 on the Retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or of public communications networks, use of surveillance systems with the obtaining or recording of sound or image at public areas and relative provisions.
Competent authorities
Hellenic Police, Hellenic Coast Guard, Prosecution Authorities, National Security Agency