
Ten basic rules for digital security

With these measures, you can protect yourself and your data on the Internet

  1. Install a protection program. 
    Use up-to-date software against viruses and attack attempts and always keep it up to date. This applies to every device you use to access the Internet. 
  2. Take advantage of available updates immediately.
    Make sure you always run software updates immediately. This will also close any newly discovered security vulnerabilities. Once a vulnerability is known, it may only take a few hours for someone to try to exploit it.
  3. Use strong passwords.
    Assign strong passwords and do not use them more than once. Eight characters is the minimum, and a mix of upper case and lower case letters, numbers and special characters is advisable. 
  4. Distrust unknown sources.
    Do not open mail attachments from unknown senders. These may contain viruses or other malware. Download apps and programs only from official stores and trusted sites. 
  5. Encrypt confidential data.
    Only enter passwords and bank details on encrypted websites to prevent unauthorized people from reading them.
  6. Create a backup.
    Back up your data such as photos, videos, text files regularly. Most systems allow automatic backups.
  7. Prevent phishing.
    Always enter the web addresses of banks and stores directly. Links in e-mails or on web pages could direct you to a fake site. Just visiting the site can be enough to infect yourself with malware - even on a smartphone.
  8. Use multiple e-mail addresses.
    For example, use a second e-mail address for newsletters. This way you avoid an overflowing main mailbox and increase your security. Because email addresses are often used as user names for all kinds of services.
  9. Remove legacy applications.
    Applications that are no longer updated are a security risk. Delete them from your device.
  10. Be sparing with your data.
    In general, consider what information you put online. Whether portrait photos, place of residence or telephone numbers - once stored on the Internet, they are difficult to delete again. Economy is the best protection.

You can find detailed and further tips in our "Digitally secure" guide.

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Digitally secure

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