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Independent data privacy experts advise the Management Board of Deutsche Telekom
The Data Privacy Advisory Board is an independent advisory body to Deutsche Telekom AG’s Board of Management. It provides a forum for sharing knowledge constructively with leading data privacy experts from academia, business, government, and independent organizations. It advises on key data privacy and data security issues. The remit also covers aspects of digitalization, societal developments and ethical issues.
Members of the Data Privacy Advisory Board
Susanne Dehmel
Member of the Executive Board for Law and Security, Bitkom e.V. ,Deputy Chair of the Verein Selbstregulierung Informationswirtschaft e.V. (SRIW), and participant in Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V.
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Prof. Hansjörg Geiger
An adjunct professor of Constitutional Law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Justice from 1998 to 2005, former President of the German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the German Federal Intelligence Service.
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Constantin Greve
Yvonne Hofstetter
Lawyer and essayist, professor for digitalization and society, CEO of 21strategies GmbH since 2020.
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Prof. Gabi Dreo Rodosek
Professor for Communication Systems and Network Security at the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich.
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Peter Schaar
Former German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, and Chairman of the European Academy for Freedom of Information and Data Protection (EAID).
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Lothar Schröder
Margret Suckale
Prof. Dr. Gregor Thüsing
Director of the Institute of Labor Law and Social Security Law at the University of Bonn, and expert at hearings of various Bundestag committees (Labor and Social Affairs, Health, Family, Law, Europe).
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Axel Voss
Member of the European Parliament and member of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament as well as legal policy spokesman of the Group of the European People’s Party.
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Prof. Peter Wedde
Professor of Labor Law and Information Society Law at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and Scientific Director of the Institute for Data Protection and Labor Law at d+a consulting GbR in Wiesbaden.
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Prof. Dr. Christiane Woopen
Hertz Chair for Life Ethics and Director of the Center for Life Ethics at the University of Bonn. Former Chair of the German and European Ethics Councils and former President of the Global Summit of National Ethics Councils.
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